Martina Otto Deputy head CCAC Secretariat UNEP. Asia: region most affected and who could most benefit from mitigation.


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Presentation transcript:

Martina Otto Deputy head CCAC Secretariat UNEP

Asia: region most affected and who could most benefit from mitigation

Translating the science into policy and action

 Objective: Leverage high-level engagement, and catalyze rapid and concrete action to address SLCPs as a global and collective challenge to protect the environment and public health, promote food and energy security, and address air pollution and near term climate change.  Startegy: Voluntary and non-binding, action-oriented, Partner-driven, multi-stakeholders, collaborative, building on sound science, catalytic, high level, building on and bringing together existing efforts, complementary to CO2. The Coalition of the working!

 Agenda and activities driven by Partners through a collaborative process  All Partners have endorsed meaningful action on SLCPs High Level meeting of all the Partners High Level Assembly All Partners - Oversee the activities of the Coalition Working Group Canada, Jordan, Mexico, Nigeria, Sweden, U.S, IGSD, WB. Oversight support and recommendations to the WG and HLA Steering Committee Keep abreast of changes in knowledge, respond to targeted questions, and inform policy discussions Scientific Advisory Panel Hosted by UNEP who also manages the Coalition Trust Fund - Oversee and coordinate overall action, supports Partners and development of initiatives Secretariat Coordinate and oversee the development, implementation and reporting of their respective initiatives in accordance with WG and HLA decisions Initiative Lead Partners Partner-led Effort

High impact Initiatives Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles and Engines Municipal Solid Waste Sector Brick Production Promoting HFC Alternative Technology and Standards Oil And Natural Gas Production SNAP Financing Mitigation of SLCPs Household Cooking and Domestic Heating SLCPs Regional Assessments Agriculture As action is being scaled up => more resources and activities in Asia

Health  The Health Task Force: health benefits from SLCP reduction and health sector engagement  World Health Assembly resolution on air pollution and health in 2015  Worldwide campaign to raise awareness of the health benefits from reducing SLCPs  The Urban Health initiative: framework for collaborations between health, environment and economic actors  Evidence-based policy advice and tools  Health sector capacity to support investments and policy measures in other sectors

 SLCPs: one of the 5 action areas for the SG Climate Summit  CCAC will be holding its fifth ministerial assembly on the margins  Important statements will be made on SLCP by partners but also countries, cities, and companies beyond CCAC membership  Oil and Gas methane partnership  Global green freight action plan  Phasing down of potent HFCs  Reducing SLCPs in cities from MSW  Still possible to join the Statements! Upcoming SG Summit and CCAC HLA

 Why: take meaningful action; get catalytic support, including through seven sectoral and three cross-cutting initiatives; share and gain experience and expertise from over 90 countries, IGOs, NGOs and businesses; help shape agenda and ensure your priorities are addressed.  How: letter to UNEP ED which endorse our framework, present the countries interest and priorities related to SLCPs, identifies a CCAC focal point. Joining the CCAC