Different aspects of Latvian Railway Sector Railway PRO Investment Summit, 6-7 October, 2015 Bucharest, Romania Dins Merirands Deputy state secretary Ministry of Transport of Latvia
Latvia in the European Union
1520 Benefits There is no need: single infrastructure single rolling stock unified information exchange system single documentation There is no need: to spend time at bordercrossings to change wheels to change the documentation to make customs clearance on the border
Latvian Railway infrastructure Total length of 1520 mm gauge lines – 1850.8 km Length of electrified lines – 257.4 km
Scheme of railway sector monitoring and cooperation Ministry of transport State Railway adminstration Regulatory body for rail Licencing body Enforces rail policy Keeps registers Other tasks State railway technical inspectorate National safety authority (NSA) Certifies train drivers Interacts with European Railway Agency (ERA) Other tasks LDZ group: Holding company is infrastructure manager Freight railway undertaking LDZ Cargo Performs also international passenger services with third countries in collaboration with private service provider for passengers Rolling stock service Other entities LatRailNet Independent body for infrastructure charging and capacity allocation AS «Pasažieru vilciens» State owned passenger railway undertaking performing PSO contract AS «Baltijas tranzīta serviss» AS «Baltijas ekspresis» 2 freight railway undertakings having 30% of turnover Privat undertakings SIA «Gulbenes – Alūksnes bānītis» Small passenger railway undertaking running regional PSO services on 33 km long narrow gauge line
Latvian Railway freight and passenger flows
Basic strategies of Latvian railway development Infrastructure renewal; Development of transit business to Latvian ports; Development of Passenger transport and local freight transport; Development of project Rail Baltica.
Main recent infrastructure development projects completed Project name ~ M.EUR Time frame Construction of second track in section Skrīveri – Krustpils 93, 412 2014 Reconstruction of existing rail track in Rail Baltica corridor 43,481 2015 Reconstruction of marshalling hump in station Šķirotava 38,850 Construction of station Bolderāja II with access line to terminals in Krievu sala 45,639 Reconstruction of signaling, telecommunication and power supply systems in section Zasulauks – Bolderāja I 15,455 Total 236,837
Main upcoming Infrastructure Development Projects of Latvian railway (LDZ) Project name ~ M.EUR Time frame Electrification of East – West rail corridor, 25 kV AC 549 2016…2022 Implementation of ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) 21 2017…2021 Reconstruction of Riga and Daugavpils railway junctions 105 2016…2020 Modernization of passenger service infrastructure 24 2017…2019
(Northern Distribution Network) Container trains from Latvia Riga Express Tallinn Baltica Transit Moscow Zubr Ilyichevsk Odessa Almaty NDN (Northern Distribution Network) Bishkek Kabul (Bagram etc.)
Baltic transit Established in 2003 Connects Baltics with Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirgizstan and Afganistan Operated by FESCO (LDz Cargo Logistika) Riga - Alma-Ata 12 days Ashabad 18 days Bishkek 13 days Dushanbe 18 days Tashkent 17 days Hairaton 16 days Advantages: regular service 2-3 times a week 10 years experience collects cargo from all Baltic ports short transit times tracking and tracing online electronic priarival declaration simplified customs transit procedures Almaty
Baltic transit – next steps Connections with China Main market – Urumqi city and Xinjiang region Distribution in the Baltics and Scandinavia 48 h 26.4 mln customers Dostyk Almaty Horgos Urumqi
Container Train - ZUBR Launched in 2009 Railway companies from 5 countries: Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia and Moldova operators: Latvia: LDz Cargo Loģistika SIA; Belarus: BELINTERTRANS (BTLC State Enterprise), Estonia: AS EVR Cargo, Ukraine: UGCTS „Liski”, Moldova: „ Union ekspedicya „) Tallinn Cargo delivery route Delivery time Tallinn - Odessa/Ilyichivsk 83 hours or 3 days 11 hours Riga - Odessa/Ilyichivsk 66 hours or 2 days 18 hours Odessa/Ilyichivsk - Riga 63 hours or 3 days 15 hours Odessa/Ilyichivsk - Tallinn Ilychevsk Odessa
Container train – Riga Express Since 2010 private rail operator SRR started weekly container service on the route Riga – Moscow Full package of services such as rail transportation, customs clearance, door to door deliveries, FCL, LCL and project cargo transportation included Moscow
Development of railway passenger transport in Latvia New passenger train modernization: Company «DMU vilcieni» modernises 19 new diesel train wagons for State owned passenger railway undertaking AS «Pasažieru vilciens»; State owned passenger railway undertaking AS «Pasažieru vilciens» has launched a new electric train procurement. Last date to submit the tender – 30.10.2015. Information on procurement can be found: http://www.pv.lv/lv/iepirkumi/11_piepilsetas_pasazieru_elektrovilcienu_un_to_uzturesanai_nepieciesama_aprikojuma_piegade_un_personala_apmaciba
Rail Baltica project in Latvia Main features: Standard (1435 mm) track gauge, Interoperabilty and direct link with main EU rail network Design speed 240 kph Maximum axle load 25 tonnes Double track for entire length Fully electrified 25 kV AC Latest veriosn of ERTMS
Rail Baltica project in Latvia Main features: Interoperability on 1435 mm rail network Intermodality with 1520 mm rail network and other transport modes Study on intermodal logistics centre ongoing
Rail Baltica project in Latvia CEF first stage activities: Detailed technical design for a Central part of Rail Baltica railway connection; Technical design and construction of Riga Central Railway junction and related Civil constructions; Technical design and construction of Riga International Airport Rail Baltica passenger station building and junction; Construction of railway connection central part: Riga Central Station to Riga International Airport (Phase I). Time schedule for planned activities under CEF 1st call of proposals (2014 – 2022): 2015 – 2018 Studies and technical design 2015 – 2019 Land acquisition 2019 – 2022 Construction of Phase I .
Thank you Dins Merirands Deputy state secretary Ministry of Transport of Latvia E-mail: dins.merirands@sam.gov.lv Tel: +37167028303