Webster defines forgiveness – “Regard without ill will despite an offense.” Do you agree with Navy psychologist Jerome Davenport that you have to forgive to free yourself, so you can get on with your life?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. List the negative actions that Paul warned the Ephesians to avoid in (Eph. 4:31). a. bitterness b. wrath c. anger d. clamor e. slander f. malice
2. What are the positive actions listed in (Eph. 4:32a)? a. Be kind to one another b. Be tender-hearted
3. What is the basis for forgiveness listed in (Eph. 4:32b)? We are to forgive because God has forgiven us through Christ.
4. Why is it difficult to forgive others who have harmed you?
5. Why is it difficult to seek forgiveness from someone you have harmed?
6. What are the implications of the following passages? a. (Matt. 6:14-15) If you do not forgive men you will not be forgiven b. (Mark 11:25) When you come before God you should come before Him clean having forgiven others so that you may be forgiven
7. Do you believe these implications? Really?
9. Is there anyone in your life with whom you need to seek forgiveness 9. Is there anyone in your life with whom you need to seek forgiveness? If so, what steps do you need to seek forgiveness?
10. What is your responsibility if a person 10. What is your responsibility if a person rejects your attempt at forgiveness?