Design Principles – Part 2 of 3 Learnability Principles Flexibility Principles Last revised 9/2010
UI Design - Georgia Tech2 Learnability: Predictability Determining effect of future actions based on past interaction history Operation visibility Can see avail actions –menus vs. command shell Grayed out menu items
UI Design - Georgia Tech3 Mental Models - Aid Predictability Mental models are not always right May be too superficial Functional model –Stimulus - response –“Press the accelerator once, then turn the key” –At surface or superficial level Structural model –Deeper sense of why it happens, not just what happens –“Press the accelerator to engage the automatic choke on a carburetor” Do you have a perfect mental model of Microsoft Word?
UI Design - Georgia Tech4 Learnability: Familiarity Does UI task leverage existing real-world or domain knowledge? Guessability Familiar affordances Use of metaphors –Potential pitfalls Are there limitations on familiarity?
UI Design - Georgia Tech5 Learnability: Consistency Likeness in behavior between similar tasks/operations/situations/terminology Interaction sequences –Quicken on Mac – Option-P prints check, not current document Output –Dialogue box always has a close button Screen layout –Menu items always in same place - leverage “muscle memory” Is this always desirable for all systems, all users?
UI Design - Georgia Tech6 Consistency (cont’d) Avoid special cases and special rules Supports generalization by user, avoids frustration For command line systems - consistent syntax Find consistency between commands, unify them - as in Unix pipes for file I/O and for process inter-communications
UI Design - Georgia Tech7 (In)Consistency Example For a graphics program that uses a CSO (Currently-Selected Object) Create a new primitive, it becomes the CSO Duplicate a primitive, the old primitive remains as CSO
UI Design - Georgia Tech8 (In)Consistency Example - Macintosh Drag a file icon to: Folder on same physical disk Folder on another physical disk Different disk Trash can Result: File is moved to folder File is copied there File is discarded
FSM’s can Reveal Inconsistencies 9UI Design - Georgia Tech
10 Flexibility: Dialog Initiative Not hampering the user by placing constraints on how dialog is done User drives - preferred –User initiates actions –More flexible, generally more desirable System drives –System does all prompts, user responds A strict sequence is needed –Sometimes necessary Example – installing new software Example - ???
UI Design - Georgia Tech11 Flexibility: Multithreading Allowing user to perform more than one task at a time A big complaint about iPhone and iPad Windows and Mac OS support
UI Design - Georgia Tech12 Flexibility: Task Migratability Ability to move performance of task to the entity (user or system) that can do it better Dynamic ‘function allocatoin’ For what kinds of tasks should the user be in control? What happens if system does things the user is not expecting? First time a word-processor did auto formatting? Example - Spell-checking DWIM – Do What I Mean
Example – PPt Spell Check UI Design - Georgia Tech13
UI Design - Georgia Tech14 Flexibility: Substitutivity Flexibility in how actions are specified Allow user to choose suitable interaction methods; accelerators Allow different ways to –perform actions, specify data, configure Allow different ways of presenting output –to suit task & user
UI Design - Georgia Tech15 Flexibility: Substitutivity Drafting & page layout systems Indicate positions with cursor or By typing in coordinates Point at spreadsheet cell vs enter name Give temperature via slider or by typing Other examples???
UI Design - Georgia Tech16 Flexibility: Customizability Ability of user to modify interface By user - adaptability –Is this a good thing? By system - adaptivity –Is this a good thing?
UI Design - Georgia Tech17 Customizing Toolbars in Powerpoint Pros and cons of using?
UI Design - Georgia Tech18 End Part 2 of 3