Child Welfare Safety Plans VS Domestic Violence Safety Plans
DV Safety Plans “…a personalized, practical plan that includes ways to remain safe and keep your children safe while in a relationship, planning to leave, or after you leave. …A good safety plan will have all of the vital information you need and be tailored to your unique situation...” *National Domestic Violence Hotline (
Role of DV Safety Plans Support Adult Victim’s ability to stay safe & protect children Support children’s ability to stay safe DV Safety Plans are NOT documented DV Safety Plans are NOT monitored for compliance
DV Safety Plans Areas for safety planning During an assault Planning with Children Long-Term Safety Emotional Support Planning for escape At work
Common Goals and Values Intervention in any family should be minimally intrusive and guided by the family (victim) Safety plans represent the best options possible at a point in time. Must be updated and changed as circumstances change. Caregivers can participate in creating safety for children in their homes. Community and extended family can support child safety in many ways.
Victim Safety = Child Safety Adult victims typically act to protect children from the threats caused by the DV When adult victims are too demoralized, terrified, controlled, or incapacitated they can not protect effectively Our interventions should: Increase the victim’s ability to protect Decrease the perpetrator’s ability to cause harm
Impacts of Staying Impacts of Leaving Homelessness Impacts of Violence Custody? Child moves schools Homelessness Impacts on Child Impacts of Violence