COPYRIGHT LAW FALL 2006: CLASS 1 Professor Fischer Introduction to Copyright August 21, 2006
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Copyright Law: Exciting, Cutting-edge, and Practical CORE IP SUBJECT
6 UNITS OF STUDY I. Introduction to Copyright II. Copyrightable Subject Matter – what can be copyrighted? III. Ownership – who owns the copyright? IV. Duration – how long does copyright protection last? V. Formalities – what is required to get copyright protection? VI. Rights – What are the rights of the copyright owner and how are these infringed?
Other topics State law protections Remedies Preemption International protection for copyright
QUIZZES 3 take-home ungraded quizzes on: 1. Copyrightability 2. Duration 3. Formalities and Rights of the Copyright Owner
OTHER COURSE POLICIES and PROCEDURES Attendance Class Participation Final Examination Finding Me/Office Hours – M 4:30-5:30 pm./by appointment My office: Room 412
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