Updated Klein ISD, 2008 And other effects
And other Effects of the Earth, Sun, and Moon
Rotation What is the daily movement of the Earth called? The moon also rotates. If we always see the same side, why does the moon look different during the month? The moon rotates at the same rate it revolves. Because of this, we never see the far side of the moon.
The new moon occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the sun. During a new moon the side of the moon facing the Earth is not reflecting any sunlight. It appears as if there is no moon at all.
The new moon is the beginning of the cycle of lunar phases.
As the moon continues to travel along its orbit, we are able to see only a small portion of the moon. This is called a crescent moon. Waxing means growing. Since the moon appears to be growing this phase is called waxing crescent.
As the moon continues to revolve around the Earth, we are able to view more of the lighted side of the moon.
The next lunar phase is the first quarter moon. Why is it called a quarter moon when it appears that we are seeing half the moon? Remember we are not seeing the dark side of the moon. In essence we are only seeing half of the lighted half of the moon. Half of a half is a quarter! 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4
The word gibbous means swollen on one side. As the moon begins to “grow” into a full circle it is called a waxing gibbous. Do you remember what the word waxing meant? Waxing means growing!
The full moon is the next lunar phase.
When a full moon occurs, the Earth is between the sun and the moon. During a full moon we see a complete circle in the sky, even though only half of the sphere is reflecting sunlight.
Swollen on one side.What does gibbous mean? The next phase is called waning gibbous. Waning means shrinking. During the waning gibbous phase the moon seems to be disappearing!
The last quarter is the next lunar phase. Why is it called a quarter? Remember we are seeing half of a half or one quarter of the whole moon!
the first quarter moon? How is the last quarter moon different from... They are mirror images of each other.
The last phase is the waning crescent. What does waning mean?Waning means shrinking. You are seeing a smaller portion of the moon. What do you think the next phase is?
The new moon!
The complete lunar cycle takes about 29 days.
What is a blue moon? When two full moons occur in the same month, the second full moon is called a blue moon. The moon is not really blue. Two full moons in one month rarely appear.
What Causes Tides? Gravity between the Sun, Earth and Moon causes the tides
Tides The daily rise and fall of earth’s water on the coastlines.
Tides occur about every 12 hours and 25 minutes apart
Neap Tides These occur at the 1 st and 3 rd quarter moon when the sun, earth and moon are at right angles to each other.
Spring Tides Occur twice a month at the new and full moon These have the greatest range between high and low tides
Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse