Introduction to EARTH SCI
TP: What is Earth Science? Anchor: Watch Clip What are the some of the topics based on the clip which you think we will cover in Earth Science, what do you look forward to learning about.
Earth Sci.. Taking notes in class… You will be shown slides and asked questions on your Cornell notes to coastally check for your understanding. The point is not to copy word for word, you need come up with answers independently.
What is Earth Science? Earth Science is the study of the Planet Earth. This includes the planet and how interacts with the celestial bodies around it. What do you think celestial bodies means?
Topics we will cover this year. 1) Maps and Measurement. Using maps to find places. Mapping mountains using contour lines. Finding Polaris. 2) Rocks and Minerals - Testing and identifying minerals. Classifying the three types of rock.
Dynamic Earth. Discovering the layers of the earth. Seeing how convection currents move plates and make landforms Analyzing plate movements and it creates earthquakes and volcanos Finding the epicenter of an earth quake. 4) Landforms Seeing how rivers form and move Analyzing the role of weathering and erosion Breaking down glaciers Seeing how water interacts with various types of soil.
5) Earth’s History Decoding laws of superposition Using fossil records Analyzing bedrock layers Looking at he evolution of organism and landmasses 6) Insolation / weather / climate Seeing what effects our climate Seeing how the tilt of the earth’s axis affects seasons and daylight seeing how the sun moves through sky and formation of shadows seeing how convection in air causes weather Seeing how various locations in the earth have different amounts of heating. Seeing how heating effects the water and the land Seeing how fronts are formed using a sling pyschromter to measure water vapor.
Astronomy Comparing our sun to other stars Seeing how lunar phases occur and how the moon affects the earth. Basic principals and properties of other planets. How we see the night sky Evidences of rotation and revolution Graphing the elliptical path of an asteroid.
Activity You will assigned a unit you and your partner must create a mini poster which illustrates the most important parts of this unit. Be sure to include the title of unit in large print in the middle of sheet. Make sure both you names is on it (first and last)
Exit Slip In your opinion, Why is it important to study earth science?