Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 1 NIDS with Snort and SnortSnarf By Muhammad Hasan Course : Instructor: Dr. A. K. Aggarwal Winter, 2006
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 2 H/W and S/W Used (for Implementing and Testing the NIDS) : Testing System ( with root privilege): Dell Dimension 4400 Pentium 4 machine with 1 NIC,O/S: WinXP Pro S/W:WinPcap 3.1 MySQL Server 5.0 Microsoft IIS Web Server 5.1 ActivePerl WinDump 3.93 Snort 2.43 Win32 Binaries SnortSnarf Attack Generation System (with root privilege) : Sony VAIO Pentium 4 Laptop with Wireless NIC O/S: WinXP Pro S/W: WinPcap 3.04a Packet Excallibur Ethereal Router: NETGEAR WGR614 v5 Router in default promiscuous mode.
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 3 Environment Variable Settings : The Following paths are included in the $PATH variable : C:\MySQL\bin; C:\Perl\bin.; C:\Windump; C:\Snort\bin
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 4 Configuring Snort Snort Installation Directory : C:\Snort Install Snort Rules from Snort Make a customized rule file name “pro.rules” And place it in : C:\Snort\rules Made the following changes in snort.conf file in C:\Snort\etc Original: var RULE_PATH../rules Change: var RULE_PATH c:\Snort\rules (The Absolute location of the rules) Note: Find the entry for 'Preprocessor sfportscan' Original: sense_level { low } Change: sense_level { low } \
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 5 Configuring Snort (Cont.) Just below the changed line above add: logfile { portscan.log } Note: Just below '# output log_tcpdump: tcpdump.log ' insert this next line: output alert_fast: alert.ids Original: include classification.config Change: include c:\Snort\etc\classification.config
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 6 Configuring Snort (Cont.) Original: include reference.config Change: include c:\Snort\etc\reference.config Original: # include threshold.conf Change: include c:\Snort\etc\threshold.conf Uncomment the following line for database logging : output database: log, mysql, user=root dbname=snort host=localhost Delete all the included default rules and include the following : include $RULE_PATH/pro.rules Now save the file.
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 7 Configuring Snort (Cont.) To Install Snort as a Windows Service type in Command Prompt: snort /SERVICE /INSTALL -c c:\snort\etc\snort.conf -l c: \Inetpub\wwwroot\log -U -K ascii –i2 To Run Snort : Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. From Service List select “Snort” and click start. To Stop Snort : Go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. From Service List select “Snort” and click stop.
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 8 Configuring Active Perl Perl Installation Directory : C:\Perl Download Perl Time Modules from And install them in c:\perl\lib\time\ Installing Perl Database Supports: In the command prompt run the Perl Package Manager by executing PPM command. This will be the console screen while running ppm : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ppm
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 9 Configuring Active Perl ( Cont. ) PPM> PPM> install DBI Install package 'DBI?' (y/N): y …………………………………. PPM> install DBD-mysql Install package 'DBD-mysql?' (y/N): y ……………………………………. PPM> install NET-MySQL Install package 'NET-MySQL?' (y/N): y ……………………………………….
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 10 Configuring IIS : Default installation location : c:\Inetpub Create a new directory named ‘log’ under c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ Create a new directory named ‘cgi’ under c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ Go to the ‘Control Panel’ - > 'Administrative Tools', double click 'Internet Information Services' applet. Expand 'Servername (local computer), Expand 'Web Sites' (if exists), Left-click 'Default Web Site', Right-click the 'cgi' folder (in the window on the right), Highlight and left-click 'Properties', Left-click the 'Directories' tab, in the 'Local Path:' section Left-click the Read and Write radio boxes making them checked, in the 'Application Settings'
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 11 Configuring IIS ( Cont. ): Use the down arrow to set the 'Execute Permissions:' to 'Scripts and Executables', Left-click the 'Yes' if a 'Security Warning' is displayed, left-click 'Apply', left-click 'OK', and finally Exit the 'Internet Information Services' applet.
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 12 Configuring MySQL and Snort MySQL installation Directory is C:\MySQL Start the Server : Open Command Prompt and type : mysqld –console Start the MySQL Command Interpreter : Open Command Prompt and type : mysql --user=root mysql
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 13 Configuring MySQL and Snort ( Cont. ) mysql> Now create a database named ‘snort’ using the following SQL command : mysql> CREATE DATABASE snort; Then open another console and run the following command : C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> mysql -D snort -u root < C:\Snort\schemas\create_mysql
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 14 Configuring SnortSnarf: SnortSnarf installation Directory is C:\SnortSnarf \ To Process the Snort Logs from the alert.ids file create a batch file named 'starti.bat' and place a shortcut to the desktop. OFF c:\snortsnarf \ -win -d c:\inetpub\wwwroot\log -dns -db c:\snortsnarf \ann-dir\annotation-base.xml -cgidir c:\inetpub\wwwroot\log\alert.ids
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 15 Configuring SnortSnarf ( Cont. ): To Process the Snort Logs from the mysql database create a batch file named : 'startdb.bat' and place a shortcut to the desktop. OFF c:\snortsnarf \ -win -d c:\inetpub\wwwroot\log -dns -db c:\snortsnarf \ann-dir\annotation- base.xml -cgidir
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 16 Preparing the Attack : Used Packet Excalibur Installation directory : C:\PackEx\ Very Easy to Use Graphical Interface for packet generation. Constructed the packets according to snort signatures and rules for the 10 selected signatures. 10 crafted packets are then added to a script called ‘pro’ located in C:\PackEx\scripts\ Load the script and then run it.
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 17 Testing the NIDS : Do the following steps sequentially : On the Testing Machine Run the database server Run Snort Run WinDump as sniffer with the following command : windump –i 2 On the Attacking Machine Run Ethereal to sniff Initiate Attack from Packet Excallibur
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 18 Testing the NIDS ( Cont.) : On the Testing Machine: Run either ‘starti.bat’ if we want to generate html from the alert.ids file Or Run ‘startdb.bat’ if we want to generate html from the database logging Open a browser and at the addressbar type :
Presentation By Muhammad Hasan 19 DEMONSTRATION