First appeared Features Popular uses Assembly 1949 For code that must directly interact with the hardware (drivers), embedded processors, processor specific instructions. Binary as mnemonics, efficiency easier to improve, fast and provides programmers with low level access to a computer’s hardware..MODEL TINY.CODE CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:CODE ORG 0100H MOV AH,9 INT 21H RET DB 'HELLO WORLD$' CODE ENDS
First appeared Features Popular uses Basic Loops, menu driven applications, system commands, subroutines, built-in functions, user-defined functions, arrays, sorting and searches. Teaching the introductory concepts of programming.. Many business applications, still a popular choice PRINT "Hello World!" 20 GOTO 10
First appeared Features Popular uses ALGOL Mostly used for research computer scientists, publication of algorithms, led to future language development and it was the first second generation programming language (ALGOL 60). Dynamic arrays, reserved words, user defined data types, second generation but similar to first generation and variables. BEGIN FILE F (KIND=REMOTE); EBCDIC ARRAY E [0:11]; REPLACE E BY "HELLO WORLD!"; WHILE TRUE DO BEGIN WRITE (F, *, E); END; END.
First appeared Features Popular uses Pascal 1970 Developed to teach programming however is no longer very widely used. Very similar to machine code, loops, constants, decision making, functions, arrays, procedures and file handling. program Hello; begin writeln ('Hello, world.') end.
First appeared Features Popular uses Prolog 1972 Commercial, research laboratories, finance, defence and telecommunication. Intelligent systems, expert systems, databases, logical and declarative and natural language systems. Hello:- nl, write('Hello world!' ). }
First appeared Features Popular uses C 1973 System programming such as in operating systems and embedded systems, assemblers, interpreters and utilities. Portability, low level features, high level features, loops, functions, bit manipulation operators, modular programming and pointers. #include main() { printf("Hello World"); }
First appeared Features Popular uses Scheme 1975 Used for graphic applications. Lexical scoping, 7 types of expressions like procedure creation, arrays and it lets users concentrate on what they want to say rather than how to say it. (define hello-world (lambda () (begin (write ‘Hello-World) (newline) (hello-world))))
First appeared Features Popular uses C Driver development, games, advanced engines, telecom and embedded software. High kevel features like imperative, object-orientated and generic programming features along with low level features for memory manipulation. #include int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!"; }
First appeared Features Popular uses Perl 1987 Originally developed for text manipulation, now used for system administration, web development, network programming and GUI development. Arrays, loops, subroutines, file input and output, error handling and sending s. #!/usr/bin/env perl use v5.10.0; use warnings; use strict; say "Hello World!"
First appeared Features Popular uses COBOL 1989 First programming language to be used by the Department of Defence, designed to solve business problems. File handling and organisation, loops, conditional statements, subroutines and database interface IDENTIFICATION DIVISION PROGRAM-ID. HELLOWORLD * ENVIRONMENT DIVISION CONFIGURATION SECTION SOURCE-COMPUTER. RM-COBOL OBJECT-COMPUTER. RM-COBOL DATA DIVISION FILE SECTION PROCEDURE DIVISION MAIN-LOGIC SECTION BEGIN DISPLAY " " LINE 1 POSITION 1 ERASE EOS DISPLAY "Hello world!" LINE 15 POSITION STOP RUN MAIN-LOGIC-EXIT EXIT.
First appeared Features Popular uses Haskell 1990 Mathematical and scientific research and commercial, open source software. Lazy evaluation, pattern matching, arrays, type classes, open source, functional programming, statically types and it infers what the programmer is going to write. module Main where main = putStrLn "Hello, World"
First appeared Features Popular uses Visual Basic.NET 1991 For beginners to learn or more experienced programmers to write more complex software. Written in C++, object-orientated, arrays, shows errors, simple to use, procedures, variables, XML documents. Module Hello Sub Main() MsgBox("Hello, World!") ' Display message on computer screen. End Sub End Module
First appeared Features Popular uses Python 1991 Web and internet development, scientific applications, education and desktop GUIs. Loops, arrays, interpreted, object orientated, databases, GUI programming and easily integrated with other languages like C and Java. X = input(“Hello or Bye? ”) If x == “Hello”: print (“Hello World!”) Else: print (“Goodbye World”)
First appeared Features Popular uses Java 1995 Commercially, android apps, scientific applications, Mine craft and software tools. Object-orientated, portable, interpreted, arrays, looping, compiled and array limit checking. public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello, World"); }
First appeared Features Popular uses PHP 1995 The server side of web development and to create dynamic web pages. Different classes, reading XML documents, pre defined variables and error reporting. <?php Print "Hello, World!"; ?>
First appeared Features Popular uses JavaScript 1995 HTML pages such as Dynamic HTML, makes the page more user friendly as it means they don’t have to just fill in forms. Loops, switch statements, scoping, automatic semicolon insertion, object- based, functions, prototyping, arrays and conditional catch clauses. A lot of features were adopted from Python. Some Page alert("Hello World!"); The content of the web page.
First appeared Features Popular uses Ruby 1995 Web based development. Object orientated, executes everything imperatively, arrays, embedded code in strings, default arguments, garbage collection and interactive ruby shell. puts 'Hello world‘
First appeared Features Popular uses C# 2000 Web applications, windows app development and many applications on windows 8. Arrays, constructors and destructors, indexers, string interpolation, compiled and XML documentation. // Hello1.cs public class Hello1 { public static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); }
First appeared Features Popular uses Scratch 2002 Education of young and beginner programmers, often used as a first language. Event driven, variables and lists, single frame programming and simplified casting rules.