Web pages originally static Page is delivered exactly as stored on server Same information displayed for all users, from all contexts Dynamic pages allow page content to change base on user actions, contexts, or other conditions Page layout and content created separately Content is often retrieved from an external source (e.g., database) Content is placed within the layout only when needed or requested 2Client-Side Scripting
Two classes of dynamic content Distinction lies in where the code is executed Client-side Code is executed on the computer running the client (i.e., web browser) Server-side Code is executed by the server based on a client request Result provided to the client Can be static or provide for client-side content Most modern web sites make use of both client- side and server-side scripting Advantages, disadvantage, and risks associated with both 3Client-Side Scripting
Client-side JavaScript VBScript ActionScript (Adobe Flash) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) Server-side Perl Common Gateway Interface (CGI) JavaScript PHP Active Server Pages (ASP) ASP.NET JavaServer Pages (JSP) ColdFusion 4Client-Side Scripting
Computational resources Which system does the work? Data access Which system has access to the required data? Security Which system carries the risk? Which system can an attacker target? What attack vectors are available? 5Client-Side Scripting
Used to provide enhanced users interfaces and dynamic web sites Interpreted language Scripts are executed without compiling Relies on a run-time environment to interact with “the outside world” Interprets JavaScript code and generates machine code executed by the CPU Enables browser to handle Content-Type text/javascript 6Client-Side Scripting
JavaScript can be attached to a web page In the header ( … ) In the body ( … ) As an event handler/listener Code executed when an action is taken (e.g., click mouse button) JavaScript embedded in the header or body is included within the tag … 7Client-Side Scripting
JavaScript can be stored in separate file Large scripts Code used in multiple pages JavaScript files traditionally use.js extension example.js Syntax Note: the src attribute doesn’t have to point to a file on the same site as the webpage using it 8Client-Side Scripting
Scripts contained in the header or body are executed as they are encountered (when the page loads) Code included in a function is NOT executed unless the function is called Code that manipulates page elements MUST be defined (or called) after the element it manipulates Execution assumes user has JavaScript enabled Most browsers allow the user to disable JavaScript 9Client-Side Scripting
Scripts without ability to interact with webpage are of limited utility Scripts interact with webpage via the DOM Allows scripts to change any aspect of the page DOM is a convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML Constructed from a page’s HTML file Reflects the structure of the page Browser’s internal representation of a webpage Most browsers have a similar (but not identical) DOM 10Client-Side Scripting
The DOM is accessed via the document object document.write(…) Allows script to write HTML code to the page document.location Holds the URL for the current page Can view the current URL Ex: alert(document.location); Can also set the current URL Ex: document.location = “ Used to redirect users to another site 11Client-Side Scripting
Almost all clients support attachments Can attach an HTML to If recipient opens attachment, the page will be rendered in the recipients browser Including embedding JavaScript Can be used for redirection (or more malicious purposes) Most clients support HTML formatting Client renders HTML-formatted s Embedded scripts can be executed if the client supports script execution Just opening the can cause scripts to execute 12Client-Side Scripting