WX Portfolio By: Courtney Gullage
Tampa, FL
Today the weather will be in the 70's. With wind blowing from the east at 6mph. Their will be showers Today the weather will be in the high 60's low 70's. With winds blowing from the North at 9mph. It will be mostly sunny Today the weather will be in the 70's. The wind will be blowing from the North at 12mph. It will be sunny.
Today the weather will be in the 80's. With winds blowing from the Northeast at 6mph.It will be sunny Today the weather will be in the high 40's and low 50's. With winds blowing from the North at 9mph. It will be cloudy
Temperature- 70°f Pressure % Relative humidity- 94% Wind direction- W Wind speed- 6Mph Precipitation amount Precipitation type- Rain showers Dew point- 68°f Summary- temperature in the 70’s wind 6mph blowing west with rain showers and relative humidity 94%
Temperature- 69 ° F Pressure % Relative humidity- 49% Wind direction- N Wind speed- 9mph Precipitation amount- None Precipitation type- Mostly sunny Dew point- 49 ° F Summary- Today the weather will be in the 70's. With wind blowing from the east at 6mph. Their will be showers.
Temperature- 70 °F Pressure % Relative humidity- 58% Wind direction-N Wind speed-12mph Precipitation amount- None Precipitation type- Sunny Dew point-67°F Summary- Today the weather will be in the high 60's low 70's. With winds blowing from the North at 9mph. It will be mostly sunny.
Temperature- 80 ° F Pressure % Relative humidity- 49% Wind direction- NE Wind speed- 6mph Precipitation amount Precipitation type- sunny Dew point- 51 °F Summary- Today the weather will be in the 80's. With winds blowing from the Northeast at 6mph.It will be sunny.
Temperature- 48 °F Pressure % Relative humidity- 66% Wind direction- N Wind speed- 9mph Precipitation amount- None Precipitation type-Cloudy Dew point- 37% Summary-Today the weather will be in the high 40's and low 50's. With winds blowing from the North at 9mph. It will be cloudy.
Buffalo, NY
Today the weather will be in the 50's. With wind blowing from the Southeast at 9mph. With a light rain. Today the weather will be in the high 50's low 60's. With winds blowing from the Southeast at 29mph. With a light rain. Today the weather will be in the high 30's low 40's. With winds blowing from the West at 23mph. It will be cloudy.
Today the weather will be in the 50's. With wind blowing from the West at 6 mph. It will be mostly Cloudy. Today the weather will be in the high 30's low 40's. With wind blowing from the Northeast at 8mph. It will be sunny.
Temperature- 50 °F Pressure % Relative humidity- 71% Wind direction- SE Wind speed- 9mph Precipitation amount-0.01 Precipitation type- Light rain Dew point- 50°F Summary- Today the weather will be in the 50's. With wind blowing from the Southeast at 9mph. With a light rain.
Temperature- 61 °F Pressure % Relative humidity- 75% Wind direction- SE Wind speed- 29mph Precipitation amount Precipitation type- Light rain Dew point- 53°F Summary- Today the weather will be in the high 50's low 60's. With winds blowing from the Southeast at 29mph. With a light rain.
Temperature-41 °F Pressure % Relative humidity- 76% Wind direction- W Wind speed- 23mph Precipitation amount- none Precipitation type- Cloudy Dew point- 34 °F Summary- Today the weather will be in the high 30's low 40's. With winds blowing from the West at 23mph. It will be cloudy.
Temperature- 55 °F Pressure % Relative humidity- 40% Wind direction- W Wind speed- 6mph Precipitation amount- none Precipitation type- mostly cloudy Dew point-42°F Summary- Today the weather will be in the 50's. With wind blowing from the West at 6 mph. It will be mostly Cloudy.
Temperature- 43 °F Pressure % Relative humidity- 35% Wind direction- NE Wind speed-8mph Precipitation amount- none Precipitation type- Sunny Dew point- 38°F Summary- Today the weather will be in the high 30's low 40's. With wind blowing from the Northeast at 8mph. It will be sunny.