Contemporary Art in and Out Africa: Diasporic Resonance
The Spectacle of Human Difference: The Exotic “Other” And Colonial Misadventure
Renee Cox, Saartjie Baartman (Hottentot Venus) Photography, 1995
A French print “La Belle Hottentot” after the display and objectification of Sarah Bartman (Saartje Bartman) in Britain and France, ca. 1814
Unknown artist, Femme de race Boschimanne, Water color on velum, 1815—supposedly an illustration of a (Khoisan) South African Woman with extended steatopgyia—pandering to European fantasy of the exotic “other”
Cartoon based on Saartjie (Sarah) Baartman, The Hottentot Venus
Josephine Baker and the cult of Negrophilia
In 1830 two Taxidermists—The Verreaux Brothers stole the remain of a recently Deceased San man from his grave. “El Negro”, Stuffed remains of a Southern African Man displayed at Darder Museum Banyole, Spain for about 170 years Before it was returned to Botswana In 2000
Joseph Paxton, The Crystal Palace, 1851….destroyed by fire November 30, 1936
The Great Exhibition The Great Exhibition, London, 1851
Display of Goods from England, The Great Exhibition, 1851 The Great Exhibition
Dahomey Village, Midway Plaisance World ‘s Columbian Exposition, Chicago 1893.
British Marines displaying their loot after the sack of Benin, 1897
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, oil on canvas, 1907
Faith Ringgold, Picasso’s Studio, Acrylic on canvas And tie-dye fabric, 1991
Jasper Johns, Flag, wax encaustic on canvas, 1962
Faith Ringgold, Flag is Bleeding, oil on canvas, 1967
Faith Ringgold, Flag for the Moon: Die N…, o/c 1969
Betye Saar, The Liberation of Aunt Jemima, mixed media, 1972
Chris Ofili, The Holy Virgin Mary, Acrylic, resin, oil paper collage, Elephant dung on linen, 1996 Imagery of Mary the mother of Jesus; asexualized imagery of Aunt Jemima- the Black Mammy stereotype, domestic/wet nurse
Kara Walker—a subtlety or the marvelous Sugar Baby, 2014
At the Heart of the Empire
Yinka Shonibare, Scramble for Africa, installation 14 chairs, 14 tables Wax prints, 2000
Yinka Shonibare, Un Ballo in Maschera (Courtiers V) Three mannequins on glass bases, Dutch wax-printed cotton fabric, leather shoes. 67 x 120 x 72" (overall), The Richard Brown Baker Fund for Contemporary British Art Photography by Erik Gould
Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, 1498, tempera and oil on plaster (Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan)
Yinka Shonibare, The Last Supper (after Leonardo) mixed media, 2013
Renee Cox, Yo Mama Last Supper, C-Print Photograph, 1996
Dean Simon, Mandela surrounded by Peacemaker around the World, black & white painting 2013
Edouard Manet, Olympia, oil on canvas, 1863
Renee Cox, Olympia’s Boyz, Digital c-print, 2001
Edouard Manet, "The Luncheon on the Grass“, oil on canvas, 1862/1863
Renee Cox, Cousins at pussy pond, 2001
Bernie Searle, Snow White, “Still” Photo-reproduction from Her “Two Projector video installation” 2001
Bernie Searle, Untitled form The Color Me Series, Photo-reproduction,
Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, mixed media,
Nkisi Nkonde, Kongo Peoples, Zaire Wood, cord, iron, nails, feathers, pigment Natural fibers 20th century h. 83 cm
Renee Stout, Fetish # 2, Mixed media, 1988 h. 64 in. (162 cm)
The Dinya Head Nok, Nigeria c. 500 BC – AD 200 ( 2500 – 1800 BP ) Terracotta 36 x 22.5 cm
El Anatsui, Chambers of Memory, Terracotta, 1979
El Anatsui Patches of History III Wood 1993
El Anatsui, Earth’s Skin, mixed media, 2007
El Anatsui, Searching for Connections (TsiaTsia ) bottle tops, printing plates, Aluminum and Copper wire, 2013