Revolutionary War Study Guide 4 th grade. Militia-a group of citizens trained to serve as soldiers as needed. In 1775, many colonists joined a militia.


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Presentation transcript:

Revolutionary War Study Guide 4 th grade

Militia-a group of citizens trained to serve as soldiers as needed. In 1775, many colonists joined a militia to help the colonies prepare for war.

Ally-another nation that is considered a “friend” to a country. In the French and Indian War, France relied on American Indians as an important ally.

Protest-an organized demonstration to show disagreement against something. Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty organized a protest against the Stamp Act.

Massacre-the killing of many people. When soldiers killed five people during a fight in Boston, angry colonists called it a massacre.

Why did the British Parliament need to collect more taxes? The British Parliament need to tax the colonies because the French and Indian War had cost them a lot of money.

What was one way the colonists worked together to protest British actions? One way the colonists worked together to oppose British actions was that they created the Committees of Correspondence.

Taxation without Representation: The colonists were upset about the new taxes because they did not agree with being taxed without representation.

Proclamation Line of 1763 :King George wanted to make peace with Indians by telling colonists that they could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. The colonists and the Native Americans were separated by the Proclamation Line of 1763.

Who gained the most land from the French and Indian War? Britain gained a large amount of land as an effect of the French and Indian War.

Important People The primary author of The Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. The King of England (Britain) during the American Revolution was King George III. The leader of the Continental Army, and America’s first President was George Washington.

Important People A silversmith who warned the patriots that the British were coming was Paul Revere. An inventor and patriot who ran a newspaper in Pennsylvania was Benjamin Franklin. John Adams defended the British soldiers in trial after the Boston Massacre. He was also our second president and helped write the Declaration of Independence.

Important People Patrick Henry was famous for the quote, “Give me liberty or give me death!” A hero who later became a traitor was Benedict Arnold. All of these people will be on the test, so you need to be familiar with them.

Important Events and Actions Sons of Liberty was an organization founded by Samuel Adams that organized against the British. A protest against the “tea tax” by colonists dressed like Mohawk Indians was The Boston Tea Party. The document that stated America wanted to be independent from England was The Declaration of Independence. The slogan against paying taxes without a voice in Parliament was, “No taxation without representation!”

Important Events and Actions A tax levied on any printed material was known as The Stamp Act. The colonists called the laws passed in response to the Boston Tea Party the Intolerable Acts. The British surrendered at Yorktown after becoming trapped. The battles of Lexington and Concord \ were the first major battles of the war.