Ch 5 Road to Revolution $100 French & Indian War RestrictionsVocabularyProtests Random $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch 5 Road to Revolution $100 French & Indian War RestrictionsVocabularyProtests Random $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

French and Indian War- $100 Who fought in the French and Indian War? Who fought in the French and Indian War? The British and the Americans against the French and the Indians The British and the Americans against the French and the Indians

French and Indian War - $200 What did the colonists and the British fight for? What did the colonists and the British fight for? Land in North America Land in North America

French and Indian War - $300 Who won the French and Indian War? The British The British

French and Indian War - $400 After the French and Indian War, why did the British feel they had to tax the colonists? To pay of debt from the French and Indian War To pay of debt from the French and Indian War

French and Indian War - $500 What was the result of the French and Indian War that led directly to the American Revolution? A. The British lost most of their colonies in the Americas B. French colonies expanded west of the Appalachian Mountains C. Native American Indians were given lands west of the Appalachian Mountains D. England decided to make American colonists help pay war debts. D. D.

Restrictions - $100 The shutting off of a port by ships to people or supplies from moving in or out The shutting off of a port by ships to people or supplies from moving in or out Blockade Blockade

Restrictions - $200 Required colonists to give food, supplies, and a place to stay to British troops. Required colonists to give food, supplies, and a place to stay to British troops. Quartering Act Quartering Act

Restrictions - $300 The first act closed the Port of Boston, two others limited colonial self-government, and the fourth act strengthened the 1765 Quartering Act Intolerable Acts Intolerable Acts

Restrictions - $400 A declaration issued by King George stating that the colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. A declaration issued by King George stating that the colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. Proclamation of 1763 Proclamation of 1763

Restrictions - $500 Why did the Proclamation of 1763 anger many colonists? The land had just been ceded to them by the French as a result of winning the war.

Vocabulary - $100 An agreement between countries to help each other against other countries is an ____________________________. alliance alliance

Vocabulary - $200 Colonists called for an official end, or ____________________ of the tax policies put in place. Repeal Repeal

Vocabulary - $300 British Parliament gave the British East India Company total control or a ________________________ of all tea sales. Monopoly Monopoly

Vocabulary - $400 Following the French & Indian war, the French had to surrender or ________________ most of their land holdings in North America. Cede Cede

Vocabulary - $500 Under the Sugar Act, an import tax or _______________ was put on most products. duty duty

Protests - $100 The Sons of Liberty protested the Tea Act by dumping chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor. Boston Tea Party Boston Tea Party

Protests - $200 A large group of angry colonists threw snowballs, sticks, and rocks at a unit of British soldiers. The soldiers got scared and fired into the crowd killing five and wounding six. Boston Massacre Boston Massacre

Protests - $300 How did colonists show their disproval of the Sugar and Quartering Acts? How did colonists show their disproval of the Sugar and Quartering Acts? By boycotting British imports By boycotting British imports

Protests - $400 What British action sparked the Boston Tea Party? What British action sparked the Boston Tea Party? The Tea Act The Tea Act

Protests - $500 In the American colonies, boycotts were an effective way of protesting British policies mainly because the boycotts A. Ended trade within the colonies B. Forced Britain to remove most troops C. Kept out products from other European nations D. Caused economic hardships for British merchants D

Random - $100 Which line separates the 13 American colonies from the newly acquired British territory? Proclamation Line of 1763 Proclamation Line of 1763

Random - $200 British Territory British Territory What territory were colonists prohibited from settling in due to the proclamation of 1763?

Random - $300 A. The colonies A. The colonies What does this snake represent? A.The colonies B.The colonists C.The states D.The countries in Europe

Random - $400 C. Colonies cannot survive unless they are united C. Colonies cannot survive unless they are united Which statement most accurately expresses the main idea of this illustration from the 1750s? A. Each colony should maintain its independence. B. Colonies that do not unite are not loyal. C. Colonies cannot survive unless they are united. D. Any colony that does not unite will be attacked.

Random - $500 What did the battles of Lexington and Concord prove to many? What did the battles of Lexington and Concord prove to many? A. That there was still time to negotiate peace B. That Americans could not fight against the British C. That war with Britain was inevitable D. That a colonial militia would be well-funded. C. That war with Britain was inevitable

Final Jeopardy What was the purpose of Paul Revere’s “Bloody Massacre” engraving? A. to show the world what really happened on March 5, 1770 B. to spread hatred toward the British throughout the colonies C. to promote sympathies toward the British soldiers. D. To create an historical document