The Big Bang Theory Earth and Space Ms. Lizette Gutierrez Austin High School
The Big Bang Cosmology is the study of the origin, structure, and future of the universe Cosmologist study how the entire universe formed and try to predict how it will change in the future Many of the current theories of the universe began with observations made less than 100 years ago Famous cosmologist include: Stephen W. Hawking
Measuring Red Shifts At the end of 1920, Hubble found that the spectra of galaxies, were shifted toward the red end of the spectrum By examining the amount of red shift, Hubble found that the most distant galaxies showed the greatest red shift and thus were moving away from earth the fast. Modern telescopes that have electronic cameras can take images of hundred of spectra per hour, to date spectra all confirm Hubble’s original finding The Universe continues to expand and grow! 8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002
Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Big Bang Theory Emerges The current and most widely accepted is the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory: states that all matter and energy in the universe was compressed into an extremely small volume that 13 to 15 billion years ago exploded and began expanding in all directions. As the universe expanded, some matter gathered into clumps and evolved into galaxies The universe is still expanding, according to the red shift
Cosmic Background Radiation 1965, radio telescopes were used to detect cosmic background radiation Cosmic background radiation is low levels of energy evenly distributed throughout the universe. It is believed this radiation was formed shortly after the big bang.
Dark Matter Analyzing the cosmic background tell us that the kinds of matter that humans, the planets, the stars, and matter between the stars are made up only 4% of the universe 23% of the universe is made up of a type of matter that does not give off light but has gravity the we can detect Since it is matter that does not give off light, it is called dark matter.
Dark Energy The universe is composed of something that we call dark energy Scientist believe that it acts as a force that opposes gravity Recent evidence suggest that distant galaxies are farther from us than current theories would indicate The conclusion is that some form of undetectable dark energy is pushing galaxies apart Because of dark energy the rate of expansion also seems to be accelerating.
The Crunch Theory The Big Crunch is one of the scenarios predicted by scientists in which the Universe may end It tells us that the Universe’s expansion, which is due to the Big Bang, will not continue forever. Instead, at a certain point in time, it will stop expanding and collapse into itself, pulling everything with it until it eventually turns into the biggest black hole ever. Well, we all know how everything is squeezed when in that hole. Hence the name Big Crunch.