Modeling in Your Science Curriculum PISA 2 Cohort 3 PD 10/3/13 Brian Blackmore
Is Modeling Important in the Standards? NJCCCS 5.1 Science Practices 5.2 Physical Science (Physics & Chemistry) 5.3 Life Science 5.4 Earth Science
Is Modeling Important in the Standards? NGSS(Next Generation Science Standards) – Science & Engineering Practice 2: Developing and Using Models – Crosscutting Concept 4: Systems and System Models – Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) and Grade Performance Expectations PS1: Matter and Its Interactions PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions PS3: Energy PS4: Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes LS2: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics Relationships in Ecosystems LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe ESS2: Earth’s Systems ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
What is Modeling? eview-types-advantages-and-limitations- scientific-models-ontrack-biology-module-0- lesson eview-types-advantages-and-limitations- scientific-models-ontrack-biology-module-0- lesson
Model “Pros & Cons” eview-types-advantages-and-limitations- scientific-models-ontrack-biology-module-0- lesson eview-types-advantages-and-limitations- scientific-models-ontrack-biology-module-0- lesson
Model of the Water Cycle naive
Refine the model
Brainstorm More classic models
Your Curriculum Assignment Grade Groups 3-5; 6-8 Find a place in your district curriculum (Physical, Life, Earth Science) you can infuse with Modeling Develop a physical, conceptual(poster), or mathematical(formula, data table) model for a unit or lesson appropriate for your grade level and write down your model plan. Include how your model might become more advanced for student or grade cognitive level.