Graph theory and networks
Basic definitions A graph consists of points called vertices (or nodes) and lines called edges (or arcs). Each edge joins one vertex to another, or a vertex to itself. A graph consists of points called vertices (or nodes) and lines called edges (or arcs). Each edge joins one vertex to another, or a vertex to itself. The degree or order of a node is the number of ends of arcs at the vertex. A connected graph is one where every vertex is linked (by a single arc or a sequence of arcs) to every other. A subgraph of a graph is another graph that can be seen within it (i.e. another graph consisting of some of the original vertices and arcs).
Special Graphs The complete graph K n is a simple graph consisting of n vertices with each joined to each of the others by an edge. Each vertex in K n has degree n – 1. The complete bi-partite graph K m,n consists of two groups of vertices, illustrated with m vertices in one group and n in the other. Each of the m vertices is joined to each of the n vertices. A connected graph with n vertices and n-1 arcs is called a tree.
Paths and cycles A walk is a sequence of edges such that the end node of one edge in the sequence is the start node of the next edge in the sequence. A trail is a walk such that no edge is included more than once (in either direction). A path is a trail such that no vertex is visited more than once (except that the first vertex may be the same as the last). A walk, trail or path is closed if the first vertex is the same as the last. A cycle (or circuit) is a closed path. If a cycle visits every node in the graph it is known as a Hamiltonian cycle.
Eulerian and semi-Eulerian graphs A trail that uses all the edges of a graph is called a Eulerian trail. If a graph possesses a closed Eulerian trail, then the graph itself is called Eulerian (i.e. a graph is called Eulerian if it is possible to start at a node, traverse each arc exactly once and end up where you started). This is possible if and only if every node has even order. If a graph possesses an Eulerian trail that is not closed, the graph is called semi-Eulerian (i.e. a graph is semi-Eulerian if it’s possible to start at a node, traverse each arc exactly once and end up somewhere different to the starting point). This is possible if and only if the graph has exactly two odd nodes.
Result In any graph, the sum of all the degrees = 2 × no. of edges. [By adding up all the degrees you are in effect counting all the ends of the edges. Since each edge has 2 ends, the total number of ends will be twice the number of edges]. [By adding up all the degrees you are in effect counting all the ends of the edges. Since each edge has 2 ends, the total number of ends will be twice the number of edges].
Planar Graphs A graph is called planar if it can be drawn in the plane with no two edges crossing (except at a node). Euler’s theorem For any connected graph drawn in the plane with R regions, N nodes and A arcs: R + N = A + 2