Norwegian Labour market development May 2008
NAV, Side 2 GDP growth: 6% in 2007
NAV, Side 3 Total oil investment reaches 130 billion NOK in 2008
NAV, Side 4 Decreasing activity in the building sector? New buildings in progress, Areal (1000m2). Trend Jan Feb 2008
NAV, Side 5 Labour Force and employment – February Seasonally adjusted from the Labour Force Survey.
NAV, Side 6 Labour force participation 2000 – (15) – 74 years.
NAV, Side 7 Employed persons aged 60 – 74 in per cent of the total population aged 60 – – 2006.
NAV, Side 8 Unemployment development
NAV, Side 9 Labour market tightness Inflow of public announced vacancies per workday and inflow of jobseekers per workday. Jan 2001 – April Trend
NAV, Side 10 Largest net immigration ever in 2007
NAV, Side 11 Decreasing unemployment in all regions Percentage change in registered unemployment by region, April 2004 – April 2008.
NAV, Side 12 Largest unemployment rate for young men Registered unemployed in percentage of the labour force. Age and sex, April 2008.
NAV, Side 13 Unemployment by level of education, August 2007
NAV, Side 14 Man labour years lost in the ordinary production due to poor health. Actual figures 1992 – 2007, forecast
NAV, Side 15 Expected age of retirement at the age of 50, 1986 – 2006.
NAV, Side 16 Persons taking early retirement (AFP) in per cent of all entitled to early retirement
NAV, Side 17 Outlook for 2008 and 2009 Uncertainty connected to the development of the world economy Strong NOK, high interest rate, and lower demand from abroad will lead to lower activity in parts of the manufacturing sector and in the building sector. High oil prices – high level of investments in the oil sector. Further growth in the public sector The economy will peak in 2008
NAV, Side 18 Our forecast
NAV, Side 19 Statistics 2007 persons in contact with NAV EURES: jobseekers employers direct placements More than other placements through CV-base and jobfairs employers used NAV EURES for recruiting in 2007 -- and around 40% of these are private recruitment agencies
NAV, Side 20 NAV EURES is growing each year