Performance audit: Commissioning social care Claire Sweeney & Cathy MacGregor, 15 September 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Performance audit: Commissioning social care Claire Sweeney & Cathy MacGregor, 15 September 2011

215 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care The role of Audit Scotland

Aims of the audit Overall aim - to examine the effectiveness of strategic commissioning of social care services. We will: assess the extent to which users and carers are involved in the commissioning process to ensure that their needs are met review the way in which councils and their planning partners work together to plan and procure effective social care services review the extent to which councils and their planning partners work with providers to ensure high quality, sustainable services. 315 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care

Commissioning 415 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care

Methodology 515 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care Sources of evidence: Desk research Questionnaires / interviews / groups discussions with services users and carers Focus groups with providers Case studies Stakeholder interviews Telephone interviews with social work directors / managers Scrutiny information Document reviews – commissioning strategies, single outcome agreements

Issues for providers 615 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care Being informed, consulted or involved in strategic planning What discussions take place between service providers and commissioners about the commissioning strategy? Were the views of service providers taken into account? How were these views gathered?

Issues for providers 715 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care Procurement processes What currently works well about the commissioning process? What doesn’t work so well? What changes would you make to the current system to make it better? Examples of good practice from your organisation, or elsewhere?

Issues for providers 815 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care Partnership working Examples of good practice in partners working together (for example joint commissioning) Areas where practice could be improved – and, specifically, how this should be done.

Issues for providers 915 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care Service users and carers involvement How are service users involved? Does this need to change in any way? Are there examples of good practice? What are the effects of commissioning or re-commissioning services on service users? How much choice do service users have in accessing services in your area? Do you feel that equalities issues (like race, disability and gender) are taken into consideration during the commissioning process? If not – what needs to be done to rectify this?

Issues for providers 1015 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care Quality and sustainability of service delivery Any issues from the commissioning process which impact on the quality of the service that you can deliver? What could be done to overcome these? How do councils / NHS boards support you to provide high quality services? Are commissioners offering any ‘capacity building’ for providers to ensure quality of service? What are the challenges to your sustainability and how well do you feel these are understood by commissioners?

Next steps 1115 September 2011Audit Scotland Commissioning Social Care