St. Clair County Parks & Rec. Sharing Millage Funds with Local Units of Government Mark A. Brochu, CPRP, Director St. Clair County Parks & Recreation Commission
St. Clair County Parks & Recreation Millage ½ mill to improve parks & recreation services in St. Clair County Approved in 1994 with 52% yes vote Renewed in 1999 with 64% yes vote Renewed in 2004 with 68% yes vote Renewed in 2010 with 72% yes vote
Ballot Wording “Shall the current St. Clair County millage in excess of the constitutional tax limitation for the purpose of acquiring, developing, and maintaining parks and recreational facilities in St. Clair County in accordance with the parks and recreation plan, as adopted and amended, be authorized in the amount of cents per $1,000.00”…
Sharing with Local Units No specific ballot wording to require sharing with local units of government. 25% of the funds collected each year are distributed to Local Units. Distribution is based on population and not community SEV. Most recent U.S. Census figures are used. Expenditures must comply with ballot wording.
Required Reports Local Units must submit an annual request for funds form & support documents. Local Units must maintain pre- millage level of support for parks and recreation services. Must report revenues and expenditures for parks & recreation for the previous year (audit report). Form must identify improvements or services funded in the previous years and those planned. Form must be discussed and approved at a board/council meeting (minutes).
Restrictions Capital Improvements must be located within St. Clair County. Recreation Services must service local unit residents but can take place anywhere. Most units have invested in Community Master Recreation Plans. Large number of units use funds as local matches for grant applications.
Benefits Political support for parks and recreation Support for County Parks and Recreation millage Leverage additional grant funds for local parks and recreation projects. Create new parks in rural communities Eliminate complaints about where the County Parks money is spent.
Problems Complaints about bureaucratic forms Inadequate Local Unit financial records Trouble tracking local fund balances Time & Paperwork for staff & Commission Intra & Inter Community disagreements Turn Over of Local Elected Officials
How Much has been Distributed Over $9.144 million distributed over 16 years Port Huron has received $1.906 million Memphis has received $20, Funds were set aside for DTE Power Plant Tax Assessment Appeal (9%) and then released when the case was settled.
Other Revenue Sharing Opportunities Must be consistent with County Master Recreation Plan Must be “County Significant” Must be open to County residents and visitors Must be free to use Must recognize County funding assistance
Additional Revenue Sharing Programs Accessible Canoe/Kayak Launches Bridge to Bay Trail Grant Match Assistance Dog Parks Waterfront Property Acquisitions