Capacity Building & the European Community Research Framework Programme: (FP7) Alan Edwards European Commission
Objectives being addressed: Seville Roadmap Objectives GEO will mobilize resources for capacity building by pursuing the following objectives: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs and operations of donors, including their project cycles, methodologies, terms of reference, and priorities. Focus on understanding the full range of user communities and networks, including their needs and priorities. Strengthen links between the user and donor communities. Sensitize donors to the value of Earth observation and the benefits that building greater capacity for producing and using Earth observations can bring to a variety of users.
Objectives being addressed: Seville Roadmap Objectives GEO will mobilize resources for capacity building by pursuing the following objectives: Mobilize resources for building the capacity of the three key contributors to Earth observations: individuals, institutions and infrastructure. Identify likely donors for each social benefit area and geographic region. Coordinate resource mobilization in order to promote efficiencies and capacity. Market capacity building for Earth observation as a worthwhile investment and not merely as a cost. Engage and establish mutually beneficial relations with the private sector and establish private-public partnerships.
Potential Contribution to GEOSS FP7: Environment Theme Sub-Activity: Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development Budget: Approx. 20 million Euro for each of 2007, 2008, Hopefully this level will be maintained (and even increased through to 2013.) Area: Integration of European activities within GEO Area: GEO Cross-cutting research activities Area: Earth Observation activities in emerging areas Area: Developing capacity building activities in the domain of EO in developing countries Projects in all these areas can contribute to CB
EC funding for EO CB: 2007 Projects to start in 2008 Georesource information system for Africa (groundwater, raw material, energy, mineral resources) (Project: AEGOS, 1.9 M€) Improving observing systems for water resource management – collaboration with participants from developing countries (Project: CEOP-AEGIS, 3.4 M€) GEONETCast applications for developing countries (Project: DevCoCast, 1.85 M€)
EC funding for EO CB: 2008 Project to start in 2008/09 Developing necessary research activities for capacity building relevant to Earth Observation and GEO in the Black Sea basin The project will develop research capacities required for the creation and improvement of development tools in all the nine societal benefits areas of GEO. The project should contribute to the GEO work plan task CB The initial implementation of the systems selected as test cases should be undertaken. EC funding up to 7 million Euro
Potential Contribution to GEOSS Examples of Other FP7 Programmes Information & Communication Technologies: –Sensor web development; –Disaster management. Human Potential, Marie Curie actions –Initial training of researchers –International dimension - outgoing and incoming fellowships, international cooperation scheme, reintegration grants All FP7 Actions are open to participants from Developing Countries, who will be eligible to receive EC funding.
Potential Contribution to GEOSS Possible action for the 2009 Call Proposals will be requested with the objective of establishing a Capacity Building advisory capability on Earth Observation. The primary objective of such an initiative will be: to identify the actual EO capacity building needs of groups & then set out clear and detailed specifications of their requirements: to identify possible donors and to bring the groups together with these donors, making use of the “advisors” expert knowledge of the potential donors, and the procedures donors use to allocate funds; to act as a liaison between the applicants and the donors, assisting the applicants to work their way through the donors procedures.
Linkage with GEO Tasks CB 07-01a etc. The primary objective of this project should be to develop and secure funding for: PILOT PROJECTS Some criteria for identifying projects for fast-track action with donors could be: 1. To achieve its goal, project needs improved access to EO (EO as means to an end) 2. Project will advance the value of GEOSS 3. Project supports the MDGs and national sustainable development plans 4. Project can demonstrate concrete results within three years 5. Project could appeal to multiple donors 6. Requested funding is in specified range (e.g. $1-10 million) 7. Project implemented by more than one GEO Member or Participating Organization 8. …..