Iowa Employment Network Doug Keast – Iowa DPN Project Coordinator Ruth Allison – Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services Mary Lynn ReVoir – Iowa DPN State Lead
Back in the Day…. Early response to the invitation to operate as an Employment Network Why it didn’t appeal… Renewed Discussions in anticipation of new ticket regulations Invited James Smith to present in Iowa to workforce supervisors and VR supervisors Two workforce regions pursued EN
Initial Concerns / Solutions Risk of additional liabilityNo new services so new additional liability risk Capacity to implement & operate EN Directed navigator to perform this role Rumors “nothing to gain”Reality “nothing to lose” Perceived as competitionPerceived as One Stop customer service
One Stops in Iowa and Ticket to Work – why? Already serve customers with disabilities Belief “these are the most difficult folks to serve” Navigator role proven valued & how do we sustain this position Times are a changin’ and workforce shortage looking at all job seekers
Regional Level Employment Network The Workforce Regions applied as two separate EN’s An agreement was established between the workforce and the two other workforce partners who participate in TTW (state VR & Dept Blind) The potential was could be 16 workforce EN’s in the state and 16 agreements.
State Employment Network Partnership Agreement to Support a collaborative EN Approach Discussion between Workforce Development and State EN’s with Vocational Rehabilitation and the Department for the Blind Development of a written agreement - 1 vs 16 New ticket regulations promote partnership Importance of Teamwork for good customer service
A new EN was born….. August, 2007 became EN Iowa State Workforce Partners Lead Navigator point of contact Information & Education: To workforce supervisors To workforce partners To front line staff To navigators
Lessons learned to date.….. Regular open dialogue between EN and VR and Dept Blind must occur Co-present information whenever possible Keep the written agreement even not required Work together at the state and local level Business Case
One Stops in Iowa already serve Ticket Holders….. In 2006 … 200,602 Iowans were served in Wagner Peyser and Veterans employment services This number includes 3,733 matches with names of Ticket Holders in the state of Iowa – without specific “ticket” outreach or promotion Shhhh….only 682 of these folks disclosed that they had a disability when they registered
Ticket Holders in Iowa Total – 82,591 What is potential for a One-Stop in Milestone payments for ticket holders? Looked at PY 06 Ticket Holders registered in ES/Vets/WIA system (from SSA list 10/07) Evaluated based on outcomes achieved by those individuals using the services available Looked at UI data for those ticket holders
Program Year 06 Test Registered in ES/Vets/WIA – 2800 Demonstrating Income for TtW – 1777 After removing active VR clients – 1375 Potential TtW Milestones - $2,065, regions would have generated enough to support the role of a navigator, and have additional funds to invest in workforce services and infrastructure -
Caveats Based on 100% Ticket Assignment Based on people being active full program year Is a One-Year study, and doesn’t take into account that people can be enrolled multiple years and go into Phase two and outcome payments Without benefit of focused outreach and expansion of WIPA resources
Also keep in mind…. Will take several years to demonstrate ticket assignment levels that might begin to approach the outcomes in this projection Success will be more likely with the close agency partnership and coordination
Thank You!!