Instructional Computer Instructional Computer TECH2111 Dr. Alaa Sadik Instructional & Learning Technologies Department
Instructional Computer Instructional Computer TECH2111 Lecture Four: Software Selection & Evaluation “We shouldn't use computers or technology without thinking about how kids will learn!” (Gardner, 1996)
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers 6. Software selection & evaluation Based on the perspectives learned in Lecture 2, software must: stimulate learner’s interest enhance understanding and learning encourage cooperative learning be based on student’s experience use appropriate visual and auditory stimulus meet individual differences and types of intelligences Textbook:
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Educational aspects Accuracy Appropriateness Scope Technical aspects Navigation Save/record-keeping Features Presentation Quality Documentation Technical information Teacher's guide
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Accuracy Error-free information. Current information. Objective, balanced presentation of information. Bias-free viewpoints and images. Balanced representations of cultural, ethnic, and racial groups. Correct use of grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Appropriateness Concepts and vocabulary relevant to students' abilities. Information relevant to the curriculum. Interaction compatible with the physical and intellectual maturity of intended audience.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Scope Information of sufficient scope to adequately cover the topic for the intended audience. Logical progression of topics. Variety of activities, with options for increasing complexity.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Navigation Rapid retrieval of information and screen transitions. Intuitive icons, menus, and directional symbols that foster independent use. Controllable pace, including options for stop/pause/exit Controllable sound.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Save/Record-Keeping Features Options for printing/downloading text. Save option for games or activities in progress. Note-taking feature, when appropriate. Record-keeping feature to monitor student progress.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Presentation Information presented in a manner to stimulate imagination and curiosity. Use of appropriate and supportive feedback. Options for help, tutorial segments. Uncluttered screen displays. Captions, labels, or legends for visuals. Legible text and print size that is appropriate for the intended audience.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Quality Visuals relevant to the content. Sound that is clearly understandable and consistent in quality and volume. Sound and music that is relevant to screen displays.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Technical Information Descriptions of specific hardware requirements for operating the application. Instructions for installation and operation. Toll free technical support telephone number.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software Teacher's Guide Description of target audience. Summary of the contents of the application. Instructional and/or behavioral objectives. Suggestions for classroom use, lesson plans, related activities. Support materials for student use, such as camera-ready worksheets and activity pages.
Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with Computers Evaluation guidelines for educational software See Figure 4-10, p.114 for a sample software evaluation form.
Discussion & Conclusion