Brain Module 11 and 12
Three Major Divisions Hindbrain Midbrain Forebrain Base of brain Coordinates basic body functions Midbrain Located above hindbrain Very small in humans Coordinates simple movements with sensory information Forebrain Most sophisticated Allows for complex thoughts and behaviors unique to humans
Hindbrain Brainstem Base of brain at top of spinal cord Functions Auto survival functions Sends and receives information Severe Damage to brainstem results in death
Hindbrain Cerebellum Behind the brainstem underneath brain Means “little brain” – looks like a mini brain attached to the brainstem Functions Balance and coordination Fine motor movements Procedural memory
Hindbrain Pons Above the medulla on the brainstem and below the thalamus Function Sleep and arousal Dreams Facial expressions
Hindbrain Medulla (med-you-la) Below the pons on the brainstem Functions Heartbeat, breathing, digestion Reflexes Sneezing, coughing, vomiting, swallowing
Midbrain Reticular Activating System Network of nerves running vertically through the brainstem to the thalamus Functions Arousal to stimuli Sleep Attentiveness Filters and relays info to the thalamus Damage to this area causes one to go into a coma Ri-tic-u-ler
Midbrain Basal Ganglia Midbrain and forebrain Functions Smooth voluntary body movements Cell damage from to much dopamine – disrupts movement – Parkinson’s disease Basal gang-lee-a
Forebrain Thalamus 2 connected egg structures located at top of the brainstem Functions Sensory info EXCEPT for smell Ex. Send sound signals to the temporal lobes
Forebrain Limbic System 3 Parts HAH Hippocampus Amygdala Functions Bagel-shaped group of structures between the brainstem and the cerebral cortex Functions Learning Memory Emotion Basic drives 3 Parts HAH Hippocampus Amygdala Hypothalamus
Limbic System H – Hippocampus A – Amygdala H – Hypothalamus Processes conscious memories A – Amygdala Connected to emotion H – Hypothalamus Oversees drinking, eating, and body temp Rewards center