UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 1 Course of Action Development (MDMP) 3 Mar 08 Multinational Planning Augmentation Team (MPAT)
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 2 Agenda Understand how to develop Courses of Action (COAs)
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 3 Steps in the process Mission Analysis COA Dev COA Analysis COA Comparison Orders Development Receipt of Mission Higher Commander’s Warning Order, Operation Plan or Order Commander’s Operation Plan or Order COA Approval 7 You are here
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 4 Course of Action Development Approved Mission Analysis Mission Statement Commander’s Intent COA dev guidance Warning Order Commander’s: Designated COAs for wargaming Wargaming guidance Evaluation criteria Update OPE Display Friendly Forces Assess relative combat power Develop initial COAs Cmdr input COA refinement Develop COA graphic and narrative Ensure conformance to COA criteria Prepare COA briefing Select and/or modify COA Develop Cmdr Wargame guidance Develop Cmdr evaluation criteria Inputs Process Outputs
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 5 What is a COA? A broadly stated potential solution to an assigned mission. It should answer the questions: –What do we want to do? –How do we want to do it? Should be based on experience, judgment, and creativity
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 6 The Process Review the situation Develop COAs from Commander’s Guidance COA Sketch and Narrative Must meet the COA Criteria –Suitable –Feasible –Acceptable –Distinguishable –Complete
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 7 COA Sketch and Narrative A graphic and text description of the COA Should include: –Scheme of Maneuver in chronological order –A Main Effort action with task and purpose –Supporting Effort actions with task and purpose –Can use Close, Deep and Rear operations –Phasing/ staging/ timing Developing a synchronization matrix here for each COA will be helpful during wargaming
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 8 Example #1 CTF conducts peace enforcement operations in support of the Boise Accords along the Tierra Del Oro (TDO)-Sonora border. CTF air forces will establish bases in TDO and begin enforcement of a no-fly zone over the border area. CTF sea forces will arrive by D-20 and establish freedom of navigation. CTF land forces (the main effort) will assemble at the port of San Diego in TDO by D-10 and move along designated routes to the disputed border area not later than D Day.
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 9 Example #2 CTF conducts peace enforcement operations in support of the Boise Accords along the Tierra Del Oro (TDO)-Sonora border. CTF air forces will establish bases in Mojave and begin enforcement of a no-fly zone over the border area. CTF sea forces will arrive by D-20 and establish freedom of navigation. CTF land forces (the main effort) will assemble at the port of Tucson in Sonora by D-10 and move along designated routes to the disputed border area not later than D Day.
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar Example #3 CTF conducts peace enforcement operations in support of the Boise Accords along the Tierra Del Oro (TDO)-Sonora border. Phase I CTF moves into AO and establishes bases in TDO to support Phase II. Phase II CTF establishes no- fly zone and zone of separation along the the border area. Phase III CTF conducts transition to UN PKF. Phase IV CTF redeploys through established bases in TDO.
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar COA Criteria Suitable –Accomplishes the mission; complies with commander’s guidance Feasible –Works within time, space, and resource constraints Acceptable –Creates advantage with reasonable cost in resources Distinguishable –Does not look the same as other COAs Complete –Accomplishes all tasks and overall purpose
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar Outputs COA Briefs to the Commander Wargaming guidance from the Commander –Method of wargame –Wargame technique –Enemy COAs to wargame against Evaluation Criteria
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar 08 Discussion
UNCLASSIFIED As of W Mar COA Development Guidance Guidance Common to both: –“Whole of Government” approach –Must integrate MNF support –Must integrate ASEAN support –All weather COA 1 Relief of population Kampong Thom is the Main Effort Use Phnom Penh as Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) for external support Use Sihanoukville as Sea Port of Debarkation (SPOD) for external support COA 2 Relief of population Prey Vang is the Main Effort Use Phnom Penh as Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) for external support Use Phnom Penh as Sea Port of Debarkation (SPOD) for external support