Clinical Quality Framework All Hands Meeting June 12, am-12:30pm ET
Logistics As a reminder, please mute your phone when you are not talking to the group. When speaking, please say your name before making your comment. You can ask questions by unmuting or by using the “Chat” feature on the web meeting. Send your “chat” to All Panelists in order to ensure the comments are addressed publicly. Should you need to take another call, please leave the meeting and rejoin (i.e., please do not put the meeting line on hold). To find the “Chat” feature, look for the “Chat” bubble at the top of the meeting window. From S&I Framework to Participants: Could you please explain how the terminologies are used in this instance? All Panelists CQF Wiki: 2
Goals Share information and get input on the Clinical Quality Framework (CQF) Use Case Identify opportunities for community participation and stakeholder collaboration CQF Wiki: 3
Agenda TopicPresenter WelcomeBridget Blake, CQF Project Manager “Name the Data Model” Voting OpensBridget Blake, CQF Project Manager Use Case WalkthroughJulie Scherer, CQF Data Model Sub-Team Co-Lead Catherine Staes, CQF Subject Matter Expert And the Winner Is…Bridget Blake, CQF Project Manager Next StepsBridget Blake, CQF Project Manager Questions and DiscussionMarc Hadley, CQF Co-Coordinator CQF Wiki: 4
Welcome Announcements, Meeting Schedules, Agendas, Minutes, Reference Materials, Use Cases, Project Charter, and General Information are posted on All Hands meetings are held weekly on Thursdays from 11am to 12:30pm ET Dial In: Access code: CQF Data Model meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays from 1 to 2pm ET Dial In: Participant passcode: CQF Clinical Quality Language meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays from 11am to 12pm ET Dial In: Participant passcode: CQF Wiki: 5
Welcome Notional Project Timeline 6 Kick-off (3/21) Pre-Discovery, Call for Participation May 2014Sep 2015 Discovery Initiative End Mar 2014Nov 2015Jul 2014 Implementation Pilot Charter, Use Cases, Functional Requirements Standards Development and Review Use Case Pilots Technology Evaluations Use Case Kick-off Use Case Consensus Pilot Kick-off Evaluation … Mar 2014: Pre-Discovery - Call for participation Apr-Jun 2014: Discovery - Charter, use case, and functional requirements development May 2014-Nov 2015: Implementation – Standards development and review Jun 2014-Nov 2015: Pilots Dec 2015: Evaluation DateMilestone 4/11/14Charter Finalization 4/18-4/30/14Initial Logical Model Development 4/25/14Use Case Selection 5/1/14Proposed Harmonized Logical Model Approach 6/30/14Narrow Slices of Draft Specifications Ready for Pilots 6/30/14Pilots Begin 7/3/14Use Case Finalized 8/3/14Standards (Incorporating Initial Pilot Feedback) Submitted for HL7 Ballot
“Name the Data Model” Voting Opens QILM - Quality Improvement Logical Model QIVR - Quality Improvement Virtual Record (to imply that we are tackling big issues in healthcare with a powerful quiver of tools) QLIM - Quality Logical Information Model QUICK - Quality Information and Clinical Knowledge (to imply that we make it easy for implementers to use) QWIC - Quality Workable Input: Clinical CQF Wiki: 7 Please cast your vote for the CQF Logical Model name using the polling feature in the WebEx window.
CQF Use Case Julie Scherer, Use Case Sub-Team Co-Lead Catherine Staes, Use Case Sub-Team Co-Lead CQF Wiki: 8
CQF Use Case The CQF Use Case is available for review at Review is open from 6/12/14-6/19/14 Please enter comments via the wiki form ( Contact Julie or Catherine if you would like to help with the Use Case updates CQF Wiki: 9 Name Julie Scherer, Use Case Sub-Team Catherine Staes, Use Case Sub-Team
CQF Use Case Questions? CQF Wiki: 10
And the Winner Is… CQF Wiki: 11 The QUICK Model QUICK - Quality Information and Clinical Knowledge (to imply that we make it easy for implementers to use) The Clinical Quality Framework Data Model will now be called the QUICK Model.
Next Steps Engage in workgroups ( Pilots Pilot Sub-Team Lead (TBD) Individual Pilot Leads or Bridget BlakeBridget Blake Data Model Claude Nanjo, Aziz BoxwalaClaude NanjoAziz Boxwala Expression Language Bryn Rhodes Use Case Julie Scherer, Catherine StaesJulie SchererCatherine Staes Join us for the next Clinical Quality Framework meeting on June 19 from 11am to 12:30pm ET CQF Wiki: 12
Questions and Discussion Name Marc Hadley, Ken Kawamoto, Bridget Blake, CQF Wiki: 13