SPORTS IMPACT ON THE WORLD Super Bowl XLIX(2015) had million viewers (320 million people living in the US) -Billions of people spend an irrational amount of time watching, playing, reading about or training for sports. (Fantasy sports) -Nothing goes unnoticed in sports.
RACISM A PART OF SPORTS? -Danny Ferry was caught saying racist remarks during the 2014 summer scouting reports He helped build a championship contending team in a matter of 3 years "He's a good guy on the cover but he's an African. He has a little two-step in him=says what you like to hear, but behind closed doors he could be killing you. Con isn't bad, but it's there," is what was in the scouting report. “He's a good guy overall, but he's not perfect. He's got some African in him. And I don't say that in a bad way.... He has a store out front that's beautiful and great, but he may be selling some counterfeit stuff behind you." -Bruce Levenson’s speculation that Phillips arena would not be filled due to black crowds scaring away other fans -Donald Sterling conversation with V.Stiviano
THE POSITIVE SIDE -Donald sterling incident bonded the Clippers organization -Both coaches and players expressed anger toward the comments, and they briefly raised the possibility of boycotting Game 4 of their series against the Golden State Warriors on April 27, David Stern banning Donald Sterling from the NBA for life. -Many star athletes made their disappointments known about the deaths of Donald Brown and Eric Garner.
SEGREGATION AND RACISM IN AMERICA -Ferguson Missouri “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” -Eric Garner “I Can’t Breathe”
OTHER EXAMPLES OF RACISM IN SPORTS -Miami highschool football team received a letter to remind their athletes to “pick up their chicken bones and red cups from which they drink their Kool-Aid and liquor out of.“ -Marcus Smart pushing a Texas tech fan for calling him the N word and to “go back to Africa” Jeremy Lin -”Chink in the armor” -Floyd money Mayweather “Jeremy Lin is a good player but all the hype is because he's Asian. Black players do what he does every night and don't get the praise“
JACKIE ROBINSON -Changed the Jim Crow policies forever by breaking the color barrier in Many pitchers tried to bean him in the head during his rookie year, he still won the rookie of the year. He was also a 6 time all-star, batted a career.311 and a World Series Champion in MLB initiated a new tradition on April 15, 2004 called Jackie Robinson day on which every player wears the number 42.