What is Insanity? Human Freedom V.S. Control. A presentation by: Hung Dinh, John Werronen and Brian Lamere
What is insanity? 1. Chief’s lack of communication and ability to shut himself out from everything is driving his mind deeper into the fog, or insanity. 2. Chief’s subconscious lacks evidence of being insane. 3. Animal-like treatment could easily make one feel insane or inferior to the standards of a “normal” human being capable of living in the combine. 4. The dehumanizing treatment from nurse Ratched is unethical and just as insane as the ward in which she rules. 5. Being surrounded by people who are in a vegetable like state that have been driven insane by monotonous everyday routine.
Quotes Supporting Insanity 1. “When the fog clears to where I can see, I am sitting in the day room. They didn’t take me to the shock shop.”(pg.14) (shock shop works for describing inhumane treatment.) Chief 2. The way he narrates the story makes it clear that Chief is not as insane as everyone thinks. “They cant tell so much about you if you got your eyes closed.”(pg.10) Chief 3. “A leather strap across the forehead to keep them from flopping around under the shaver.”(pg.33)Chief 4. Inhumane treatment stated in number one. 5. Ruckley, “He’s working his jaw so hard to say something when he finally does get to where he can say his few words, in a low choking noise to make your skin crawl--- F**k da wife.”(pg.21)
Human Freedom V.S. Control 1. Freedom means the ability to determine your own schedule and live amongst a so called, free society. 2. Being under control is the loss of ability to function by yourself, people make decisions for you and tell you how it is. 3. Human control is made possible by people who can hide behind a mask and lose all sense of humanity while doing so. 4. Mental freedom exists without consistent burden. 5. There is a fine line between control over someone and dictatorship.
Control V.S. Freedom 1. “Seems like every time they ship me someplace I gotta get scrubbed down before, during and after the operation.”(pg.11)Mc Murphy 2. “She wields a sure power that extends in all directions on hair-like wires too small for anybody’s eye but mine.”(pg.30)Chief 3. “If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don't think that he would like it.” Nurse Ratched 4. “No, she doesn't need to accuse. She as a genius for insinuation. Did you ever hear her, in the course of our discussion today, ever once hear her accuse me of anything?” (pg.183) 5. “This morning I plain don’t remember. They got enough of those things they call pills down me so I don’t know a thing till I hear the ward door open.” (pg.2)