Lightening was much feared in the 18 th century with good reason. It struck church steeples, barns and ships’ masts indiscriminately killing people outright and starting fires
Many ministers rang church bells as storms approached, hoping that the holy sound would stop the evil bolts from striking the steeples
This practice brought a wry comment from Franklin: “the lightening seems to strike steeples…at the very time the bells a ringing….
…yet still they continue to belss the new bells and jangle the old ones whenever it thunders
…One would think it was time to try a new trick”
Something that works
The lightening rod applied the latest scientific discoveries and theory to society’s practical needs and their usefulness in saving lives and property became immediately apparent. Lightening rods sprouted up atop buildings all over America and Europe standing tall as a testament to Franklin’s genius
Although Franklin uncovered fundamental truths about Nature’s most powerful forces he was most proud of the practical applications that emerged from his experiments: the lightening rod
The lightening rod made Franklin World famous
image at:
I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life I absented myself from Christian assemblies. Benjamin Franklin, quoted