NAFORMA Acchievements, key findings,recommendations and the way forward Nurdin Chamuya (Head FRMA, TFS) and Soren Dalsgaard (CTA NAFORMA FAO), Meeting at DPG-E, 10 th June 2014.
NAFORMA Charateristics 62 months ( ) 214 person years (47 FAO, 167 MNRT) 6 million USD donor funding 2 million USD counterpart contribution. Biophysical data - 30,773 plots (118 variables), 240,000+ trees Socioeconomic data (100 variables) 3,493 households + 1,118 Key Informants
Measurements of biophysical parameters Direct observations Local interviews NAFORMA data collection Key message: First time ever National Forest Inventory (NFI) in Tanzania. Wide range of data collected on trees, uses and users
NAFORMA – Land area 55% of land area of Tanzania is forest and woodland. NAFORMA field inventory captures 42% more forest area than earlier Estimates. Ground based inventory necessary for accurate estimates
New knowledge
New Knowledge Soil Organic Carbon
Soil Organic Carbon predictions
New Knowledge Soil Organic Carbon Biomass and Carbon
Living tree stemwood biomass and carbon by primary vegetation type
New Knowledge Soil Organic Carbon Biomass and Carbon Species distribution
Figure 7.5 Twenty most common tree species – all vegetation types
New Knowledge Soil Organic Carbon Biomass and Carbon Species distribution Land Use Land Cover Map (2010)
Some key figures Total volume of wood is 3,3 billion m 3 - estimated 77.2 billion trees: – 97 % from trees of natural origin – 3 % is from planted trees. The average volume of wood is 37.9 m 3 /ha across all land cover types, large variation: – 1 m 3 /ha in open grassland to – 171 m 3 /ha in Humid Montane forest. The standing volume of wood per capita is 74.4m 3
Some more key figures Half the volume is found in protected areas Average demand is estimated at 1.39 m 3 /capita/year Average sustainable supply (AAC) is estimated at 0.95 m 3 /capita/year
Forest area pr capita
Demand – Supply analysis of mainland Tanzania
Key messages Demand exceeds sustainable supply This leads to overharvesting in accessible forests and encroachment of protected areas Energy and population growth are main drivers Solutions have to look beyond the forestry sector
National Forest Programme 3 scenarios
Dealing with the deficit Getting rid of deficit by 2030 – ha plantations to be established annually Maintaining status quo – ha plantations to be etsbalished annually BAU – Deficit grows to 47 million m 3 by 2030
NFP -take home messages Not a uniquely Tanzanian challenge – Africa consumes 20% of the worlds wood. Largely driven by household energy needs, lack of affordable alternatives, population growth Growing wood deficit = principal challenge for the NFP NFP 2015–24 identifies urgent need increased woodlot and plantation efforts. Wood-deficit cannot be met through forestry initiatives alone. Drivers of forest depletion to be addressed in a coordinated, cross-sectoral manner
Population and forest area
Data and Information Quote from the speech of Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism at the release of the key findings May 2013: “…NAFORMA data is a national resource to be accessed and utilized by every ministry, researcher, Local Government Authority, NGO, Private Sector and all citizens. Our responsibility will be to make access to the NAFORMA information as universal and as easy as possible…. “
NAFORMA datasharing
Database portal
Strategic partnerships and Institutional collaborations FAO-Finland Programme Finnish Forest Research institute (SUA + TAFORI) Open door
Examples possible collaborations Soil Samples
Timeline NAFORMA & NFP
Thank you