Foldables and Interactive Notebooks to Support Literacy Learning Karen Sumner, WRESA Spring 2015
What are foldables? 3 dimensional interactive graphic organizers that students create Can be used as a self-check study guide Can be used at any level and with any subject area Learning/Assessment tools Serve as mental models
Foldables are… Interactive graphic organizers Student-constructed visual displays used to organize information Active learning devices Student-owned Tool for diverse learners Great for linking new to prior knowledge
Foldables are… Instructional/learning tool Hands-on Flexible Endless in application Show order and completeness of student’s thought process Strengths and weaknesses of student’s understanding become clearly evident Great for ELLs
Foldables are for… Differentiating Instruction Core Instruction Extended Learning Alternative form of Assessment
Sample Use Introducing new vocabulary words Introducing a new skill, topic, or concept Before a chapter, lesson, story, etc. During the lesson After completing the chapter, lesson, story, etc. Guided Instruction or Guided Reading Writing process Review Anytime- daily
Research tells us… Help students focus on text structure as they read by: providing tools used to visually represent relationships in text helping students write well-organized summaries of text (Putting Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read) Students are actively engaged in the instructional process and learning as they create foldables: Classroom Instruction That Works: Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement by Robert Marzano strategies are integrated (identification of similarities & differences, summarizing & note-taking, nonlinguistic representations, questions, cues, and advanced organizers, etc.)
Bloom-Marzano Hybrid Taxonomy: North Carolina Thinking Skills Levels KnowingOrganizingApplyingAnalyzingGeneratingIntegratingEvaluating Who did? When was? What is? Where? Identify... Describe... Match... Recall... Categorize... Classify... How is __ like or different? Contrast... Compare... Put in order... Reorganize __ by __ Represent __ by __ Give an instance which ___ How would you use...? Since you know __, how would you...? How would you illustrate...? How is __ an example of __? What are the attributes of __? What evidence is there for __? What are the parts of __? How do the parts relate? What are the main ideas? What is the conclusion? What caused? How many ways can you think of to __? What would happen if? Predict... Elaborate on... If you were __, how would you __? What can you infer? Create a plan to __ Summarize.. Generalize about __ How can you combine __ and __? Imagine... Give a synopsis... What are your standards? Is __ reliable? What is most significant? Evaluate... Judge... Verify the claims of __ How effective was __?
Lets make some foldables… Apply to your content: Lapbook Tri-fold Accordion Tab fold Two door book Envelope fold Layered book Mini book
Wiki address for more information: What’s included: Foldable templates and directions Videos on interactive notebooks and foldable use Pictures of foldables and interactive notebook examples
Foldable wiki m/ m/
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