Stations for the week of _____Plot Chart _____Point of View _____Conflict _____Prewriting Imaginative Story
Write everything in red in your notebook! Types of Conflict in Literature External & Internal
Conflict is… A struggle between opposing forces Protagonist=the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. Antagonist= a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.
2 types of conflict in literature… External Conflict: A character struggles with an outside force, such as another character or something in nature. Internal Conflict: A character struggles with his or her own needs, desires, or emotions.
Please read the chart and copy down the bolded types below. There is also a copy of this chart on the desk.
Examples! Internal Conflict: The girl considered looking over at Robert’s paper for the answers. External Conflict: Bullies ran up to Alex, getting ready to speak their insults.
Number from 1-15 in your notebook. Please answer whether the statement is an example of internal or external conflict and put the type of conflict it is according to the chart. 1. A character struggles with his or her own needs, desires, or emotions
2. A character struggles with an outside force; nature or another character.
Identify External or Internal 3. Juliet feels butterflies in her stomach. Should she tell her mom she broke the vase with the flowers in it?
4. Deciding which type of soup to buy at the grocery store.
5. Usually involves one person making a decision
6. The wind howled and made it hard for Thomas to walk down the street to school.
7. The two puppies tumbled and wrestled in the grass.
8. The rain pounded the windshield, making it tough for Shiela to drive.
9. Armed with a new secret, Jasmin considered if she should share the gossip with her friends.
10. The mom and daughter engaged in a yelling match in the front lobby of the hotel.
11. A character struggles with an outside force; nature or another character.
12. A rabid dog chased the mailman as he fearfully ran for his life.
13. A character struggles with his or her own needs desires, or emotions.
14. The butterfly lost the battle, crushed by the three-year old child’s hands.
15. Susanne argues with her mother about going to school today.
Time to check your work! The following slides contain the answers. You need to be sure you completed the previous 15 problems before you check your answers. Have you answered all 15 statements by writing internal or external conflict???? Are you sure??
1. Internalperson vs. self 2. Externalperson vs. nature or person 3. Internalperson vs. self 4. Internalperson vs. self 5. Internalperson vs. self 6. Externalperson vs. nature 7. Externalperson vs. person 8. Externalperson vs. nature 9. Internal person vs. self
10. Externalperson vs. person 11. Externalperson vs. nature/person 12. Externalperson vs. person 13. Internalperson vs. self 14. External person vs. nature 15. External person vs. person