1989: Nowadays, people use mp3s (first invented in Germany in 1989) to copy music from the internet. An mp3 can store hundreds of songs in its memory.
1977: The first machine record sound and play it back was the phonograph. It was invented by the american inventor Thomas Edison in 1877.
1980: Soon after, compact discs (cds) were first made in the 1980 by the electronic companies Philips and Sony.
1979: Personal stereos (walkmans) were invented by engineers at the Sony Corporation in Japan in 1979.
1960 and 1920: A tape recorder records sounds as a magnetic pattern on a long strand of tape. They were used for the first time in the 1920s cassette tapes appeared on the market in the 1960s.
1888: The first disc record player or gramophone was by Emiile Berliner in The gramophone was the first system of recording and reproducing sound that used a flat disk
2010: Nowadays, listening to recorded music is something most people do every day. But 150 years ago there was no way to save sound.