Holidays in Britain Учитель английского языка Ренкель С. А. МОУ СОШ № 24 Г. Кемерово
Do you know? January 1- New Year’s Day February 14 –St. Valentine’s Day March – Mother’s Day April – Easter June – Father’s Day October 31 – Halloween October 31 – Halloween December 25 – Christmas Day
vocabulary Ghost [ ‘gust] – привидение, призрак Ghost [ ‘g Ә ust] – привидение, призрак Witch [ ‘wit∫] – ведьма, колдунья Skeleton [‘skelitn] – скелет Neighborhood [ ‘neibəhud] – соседство, округа To shout [∫aut] – кричать Trick or treat [trik o: tri:t] – шутка или угощение Traditional [trə ‘di∫ənl] – традиционный Jack-o-lantern [‘dзækə,læntən] – фонарь из тыквы Pumpkin [‘p^mpkin] – тыква To carve [ka:v] – резать
Halloween Is one of the best holidays for children. American children celebrate Halloween on October 31.
Children wear masks and colorful costumes. The most popular costumes are ghosts, witches and skeletons.
Trick or treat The children walk door to door in the neighborhood and shout “trick or treat!” Most people give them a treat – candy or fruit.
We also decorate our houses and schools in the traditional Halloween colors: orange and black. popular decorations are witches, ghosts and skeletons, black cats and…
Jack- o-lanterns Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins we carve to look like faces.
Answer the questions When do the American children celebrate Halloween? What are the most popular costumes for Halloween? What are the traditional Halloween colors? What do the children shout walking door to door in the neighborhood? What are Jack-o-lanterns?
Let’s have fun JACK O S G I C A LRN P H T E HT N W M U P I N T L A H O W E E E B O T C O C E SO T R N LET KTRI 1.Holiday with Jack o lantern 2.Month for this holiday. 3.Jack o lantern? 4.A Costume 5.A costume too 6.A costume again’s a joke 8.Candy or fruit N Автор – составитель Черепанова М. Ф
Презентация создана на основе материалов УМК “Happy English” Клементьева Т. Б, Шэннон Д. TRICK OR TREAT SEE YOU ON OCTOBER 31