Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope Spelling Words Houghton-Mifflin Reading Grade 3 Theme 2: Celebrating Traditions
coach She is the coach of this team.
blow I can blow my horn well.
float Will this old boat float?
hold The box is too big to hold.
sew I need to sew my torn coat.
though He ate even though he was full.
sold The store sold many toys.
soap Wash your hands with soap.
row I sat in the front row.
own Do you own that dog?
both We should take both bags.
most Who ate the most fish?
cold It is cold outside today.
snow Let’s go play in the snow.
tomorrow I will call you tomorrow.
program Sandy clapped at the end of the program.
Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope Spelling Words 2.blow 3.float 4.hold 6.though 7.sold 8.soap 9.row 10.own 11.both 12.most 13.cold 14.snow 15.tomorrow 16.program