Learn Your Vocabulary! Today is a good day to learn something new!
hind hind: situated at the back… The dog stands up on its hind legs.
trotting trotting: moving at a pace faster than a walk; running slowly…. The dog is trotting beside me. The horse is trotting around the corral.
limping limping- walking with difficulty Winn-Dixie looked up at me and wagged his tail. He was kind of limping like something was wrong with one of his legs. And I have to admit, he stunk. Bad. He was an ugly dog, but already, I loved him with all my heart.
fortunate fortunate- materially well off; prosperous rich This fortunate dog has a nice house, lots of food, and many toys to play with. Winn-Dixie was less fortunate. He was skinny and hungry. He had no home until Opal found him.
nudge nudge – touch or push something gently or gradually.. Winn-Dixie looked up at the preacher and kind of gave him a nudge with his nose. The dog nudges the other dog with its nose.
matted matted – tangled into a thick mass… The preacher looked at Winn-Dixie. He looked at his ribs and his matted-up fur and the places where he was bald. matted fur
missionary Missionary – a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country. Before Opal was born, the preacher was a missionary in India and that is how she got her first name.
missionary Her father had been a missionary in India.
twitched twitched – gave a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement… Can you twitch your nose?
concerned concerned – worried, troubles, or anxious The girl was concerned that she had lost her keys outside. The dog was worried or concerned that he had made a mess in the house. Oh No!
exception exception – a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule… – “Normally, we allow no cats on our dog bed, but we made an exception for this cat,” said the dogs. continue
an exception to the rule……
intended intended – planned that something will function in a particular way. – I intended to stay on my skateboard and glide down the street.
intended intended – planned that something will function in a particular way. – I intended to give my homework to the teacher.
situation situation – a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself…. – Which one is a safe situation? Which one is an unsafe situation?