LAPS Submission Guide
LAPS Submission Process – How to access the LAPS Forms LAPS Forms have been ed to the LTCHs by their respective LHIN. Alternatively, LTCHs may go to the Ministry website to download the LAPS Forms ( estimated date of release of forms on website is Oct 2, 2015 ) If LTCHs decide to wait until Oct 2, 2015, to download the LAPS Forms from the Ministry website, log in to the website and click the “FACILITY MAIN” button. Locate the “LAPS FORMS” link and click on the link. This will bring you to the LAPS FORMS menu which lists the available forms (both current and previous LAPS documents are listed). Use the “File Name” to locate the current LAPS forms, which is comprised of two separate files: 1.Description of Services; and 2.Service Plan Narrative. Click the File name and download the forms using the same file name as displayed on the website. File names must maintain the same standard format name of “FileName_FacilityNumber.doc” ( e.g DescriptionOfServices_NH4321.doc ). 2
LAPS Submission Process – How to access the LAPS Forms (cont’d) 3
The current LAPS Forms are not in the list below but will be once they are released online on or after Oct 2, LAPS FORMS MENU 4
Completed LAPS Forms must be submitted by uploading both files ( Description of Services; and Service Plan Narrative ) into the Ministry website ( Upload the files (one form at a time) to the website by: logging into the website, followed by clicking the “FACILITY MAIN” button, and then clicking on the “LAPS FORMS” link. Within the LAPS FORMS menu, locate the LAPS Form that is to be uploaded. Then click on the “Browse” button at the bottom of the menu to find the LAPS file on your local drive that is to be uploaded. With the LAPS file selected, click the “UPLOAD” button that corresponds to the LAPS Form that is being uploaded. IMPORTANT - Files being uploaded must maintain the standard naming convention of “FileName_FacilityNumber.doc” and match the filename as shown on the LAPS FORMS menu (Files must be saved in the Microsoft Word “.doc ” format type) LAPS forms can continue to be uploaded (updated) until “locked” by the LHIN NOTE: LAPS Forms may uploaded at anytime starting Sept 23 rd LAPS Submission Process – How to upload the LAPS Forms 5
LTCHs with questions on how to complete the LAPS should contact their local LHIN. Please refer to the following attached Contact List. LTCHs experiencing technical issues with accessing the Ministry website, uploading LAPS files, or requiring a new account to log in can call the Ministry’s tech support at for assistance. LAPS Submission Process – QUESTIONS? 6