What should be standard ops? Phys O: CTD – send data into Argo program, ADCP, Bio: Chlorophyll, fluorescence, nutrients, backscatter, Fast repetition fluoresence, –Cast or tow, AUV = ok Video Plankton Recorder is “phenomenal,” should be continuous –Tow and cast (sled/CTD), AUV = ok Chem: DO, pH, Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), mass-spec (CO2) in time, transmissometer Passive acoustics: aimed at both geo and bio Should add water samples but infrastructure is not available now –Consider ways to fix this with technology
What should be standard tools Instruments per previous slide Should be configured in a synchronized systematic way –Data needs to be time based (GMT) –Suitable for feeding to shore via sat. link –Also must enable “guest instruments” as an integral part of EX data system
What is needed soon (ish) Flourometer tiger team VPR bakeoff (review paper on optical tech) Fast tow system to carry multiple sensors –Unclear how fast or what depth envelope is practical Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in the lab not in the ocean, but adds complexity, perhaps in out years. This is a borrow candidate… mass-spec: methane, O2, Nitrogen, H2S CO2 Add Eagle Ray (or other AUV) – but AUVs likely first role is in site exploration Gliders? routine use sounds cool but unclear fit, use EX to support community wide ALPS (engage that process)