You could hurt not only yourself but someone else. Everyone has a right to be safe Think of games where you don’t grab, push, wrestle. When playing tiggy tap don’t slap. Chest and back is best.
Rough play is when your body comes in contact with others. 1. If this happens walk away. 2. Think, “Was this an accident?” Use your words 3. Report if someone is trying to hurt you
If someone is fighting stay away and go play somewhere else. Have a Space Bubble. Don’t get too close. Wait for your go. Stay inbounds.
If you don’t play by the rules it causes fights. Not playing by the rules could lead to no- one wanting to paly with you. Rules are fun because if you follow the correctly you have a good game. If you don’t agree with a rule play with someone else with rules you agree with.
Only play with balls correctly in the right place. (No pegging balls, avoid trees, don’t play with a ball near a window.) Wait your turn and don’t get too close if someone is swinging a bat or on the flying fox. Keep all equipment away from the fence. Line-up at the sports shed and be patient.