DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 The unidentified FUV lines of hydrogen deficient dwarfs David Boyce M. A. Barstow, J. K. Barstow F. James, R. Laird, P. Dobbie A. Forbes, J. Aston, B. Booles
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 The unsolved problem of EUV deficiency DO white dwarfs are significantly EUV deficient To reduce the predicted EUV flux, without increasing the assumed elemental abundances above the values determined from IUE and HST spectra, it is necessary to find an alternative source of photospheric opacity. A possible source could be from additional, as yet undetected elements that are not currently included in the theoretical model calculations. The DO line problem The FUV spectra of DO white dwarfs contain more unidentified lines than identified ones. The result of incomplete and inaccurate atomic data? Introduction
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Solutions for the DO line problem 1.Unidentified lines belong to high ionisation/ excitation species not included in the spectral line lists. 2.Unidentified lines belong to iron group and post iron group species not included in the spectral line lists. 3.Unidentified lines belong to a species wholly unexpected to be present in the DO. Introduction
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Processing and candidate selection All hydrogen deficient dwarfs were obtained from MAST and processed in the usual way (Barstow et al 2003). The data has been calibrated using the calfuse pipeline version or later, resulting in several spectra (covering different wavelength segments) per FUSE exposure. The exposures for each segment are then co-added, weighting each according to exposure time, and finally the segments are combined, weighted by their signal-to-noise ratio, to produce a single spectrum Stars badly effected by molecular hydrogen were thrown out Data reduction
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 A two component mystery 1.The ISM contributes a complex and poorly understood component to the DO spectra. 2.This component is not exactly the same as in the more familiar DA spectra 3.How many of the unidentified lines that were previously thought to be photospheric originate in fact from the ISM? Introduction
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Velocity discrimination; the basic idea Line velocity Average photospheric velocity Average ISM velocityStar 1 Star 2 Star 1 Line position Star 2 Velocity Discrimination
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Velocity discrimination; real stars From well known lines we know an average velocity for the star and the ISM in that direction Photospheric ISM Photospheric ISM Line=photospheric Photospheric ISM Line=ISM Graph of predicted lab wavelength Using multiple stars we can differentiate between an unknown line being Photospheric or ISM without even knowing what it is. Velocity Discrimination
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Velocity discrimination; the results 1.Velocity discrimination clearly separates ISM lines from photospheric lines 2.Origin of lines found without knowing line identity Velocity Discrimination
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 A side note about O VI O VI in FUV spectra of white dwarfs considered to be tracers of hot gas in the interstellar medium Since the distance to white dwarfs puts them just inside, on or just outside the “hot local bubble” we can test the origin of the O VI using velocity discrimination. Our results show that all O VI detected along the lines of sights of stars within the local bubble had O VI of a stellar origin. The hot local bubble = The cold local bubble Velocity Discrimination
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Finding the photospheric velocity From a large sample of identified lines an average photospheric velocity can be calculated. Lines common to DOs and DAs can be used for this However Hot DOs and PG1159 stars are a problem due to the lack of lines common to DAs Makes velocity discrimination harder Finding the photospheric velocity for DOs
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 A new approach to finding the photospheric velocity N III S VI Ni VI Co V O VI Ni VI Ni Vi Ni VI Co V Fe II Velocity Finding the photospheric velocity for DOs
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Recurrent velocity analysis; DA stars Using the Morton line list we observe in the DA that there is peaks at the ISM and photospheric velocity Changing to the Kurucz line list Increases the recurrence of The photospheric velocity Kurucz more complete for higher ionisations Finding the photospheric velocity for DOs
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Recurrent velocity analysis; DO stars Using either Morton or Kurucz We do not retrieve the photospheric velocity. The unidentified lines that make up DOs and PG1159 stars are not in the Morton or the Kurucz line list. No amount of looking will solve The DO line problem. Finding the photospheric velocity for DOs
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Results of velocity search Using these methods a photospheric velocity is found for a broad range of DOs and PG1159 stars Using the photospheric velocity for DO line identification Star name Photospheric velocity Spectral type Temperature PG PG K PG Cool PG K PG K WD DO75000K WD DO100000K WD DO/PG K WD sDO (d degen) 58000K WD DO70000K
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 High ionisation/excitation species 7/8 4/4 Generation of atomic data for high ionisation species is making progress 3/8 2/5 Some lines however not so well behaved Success rate Using the photospheric velocity for DO line identification
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Post iron group A considerable number of identifications of post iron group elements in the FUV spectra of cool DOs have been put forward by Chayer et al 2005 Do these lines appear in any of our stars? Do these lines occupy the correct velocity? Chayer et al 2005 Using the photospheric velocity for DO line identification
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Post iron group SpecieslineVelocity?Photospheric? As IV 946.5Fail 953.3PassFail 956.9Fail 971.1Fail 980.6Fail 999.3PassPass Fail Using the photospheric velocity for DO line identification Lines tested against photospheric velocity of star Lines that fail the test SpeciesPassesTotal As IV 17 As V 24 Se III 12 Se IV 07 Se V 02 Br VI 01 Sn IV 24 Te VI 12 I V 05 I VI 01
PhD Recruitment Day – 31 st Jan 2007 Conclusions Velocity discrimination allows us to identify ISM lines from photospheric lines Unknown lines not in linelists Post iron group species do not occur at detectable levels. Velocity forms a powerful tool in testing line identities High excitation elements such as Ne VIII are the best candidates for the additional opacity required to solve the EUV deficit.