doc.: IEEE /0203r1 Submission March 2012 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 1 +1 (321) Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, Name Company Address Phone Bruce Kraemer Marvell WG Chair Nominee Statement Date: Authors: Abstract: Nominee statements – March 2012
doc.: IEEE /0203r1 Submission March 2012 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 2 Qualifications & Experience IEEE chair for the last 4 years Attended since 1998 and in addition was active in during 1999 Previously served as Task Group Chair for n –And chaired, publicity, 5GSG, WNG Chair of several ad-hoc groups within –Smart Grid, IMT-Advanced, Energy STAR Chair 802 Workshop 2011 Member of IEEE-SA RevCom 2010, 2011, 2012 Appointed to IEEE-SA BoG for –Member of BoG International Committee Professional experience has been Standards Director for wireless technologies (primarily ) since 1995.
doc.: IEEE /0203r1 Submission March 2012 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 3 Overall Goals Maintain as the worlds first choice WLAN solution by maintaining and improving the Eco system –Identify useful extensions –Engage in productive partnerships (in 802, external SDOs) –Respond to threats –Promote as a technology and a venue –Actively Engage in and facilitate WG activities –Actively Engage in and facilitate EC activities –Actively Engage in and facilitate SA activities –Available to members for advice, suggestions –Promote fair and equal participation
doc.: IEEE /0203r1 Submission March 2012 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 4 The Eco System Commercially Relevant Standards Deliberation & Development Process Fair, equitable, consistent Timely TG, SG, Committees IndustryAcademia WG Machinery The components of the internal foundation machinery have to be continually maintained and improved. Additionally, there are several strategic external relationships that need to be continually maintained and improved. Taken as a whole, the organizational structure to accomplish all this is in place and revisions are continuously being considered that would better support the objectives and priorities. IEEE IEEE SA 802 ExCom 802 WGs Liaisons SDOs: ECMA, ITU, ISO SIGs Amendment Generation & Completion Project Management Scope & Duration Priority Completion rate Architecture Fit within Fit within 802 Next generation Improvements ? WG Organizational Structure Meeting location & rooms Time slots Food Timelines Registration Website + updates Document server Balloting Finances Publicity Operating Procedures P & P, OM Meeting Agendas Plenary Prep Attendance Badges WFA
doc.: IEEE /0203r1 Submission March 2012 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 5 Progress, Setbacks, Goals The perpetual Goal Seek and implement improvements in the Eco System used to develop commercially relevant standards Machinery Progress: Efficiently Start and Complete relevant amendments –Published: P, Z, V, U, S –WG11 Started: AH, AI Maintain international interest in as a standards development venue Rapid report of closed ballot results TG chairs more responsible for PAR, Sponsor Ballot and RevCom process Relationship with and within EC, Standards Association, Standards Board well established –Participated in ProCom, PatCom, RevCom, NesCom, AudCom, Standards Board, BoG Use of WFA uses cases to help prioritize technology decisions Expose and promote discussion of potential opportunities for Rules restructured to align with EC and SA requirements WG Setbacks: Venue selection process under renovation but not quickly enough -a high latency procedure Improving universal application of TG best practices – requires all TG chair participation
doc.: IEEE /0203r1 Submission March 2012 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 6 Backup
doc.: IEEE /0203r1 Submission March 2012 Bruce Kraemer, MarvellSlide 7 Candidate Requirements Met Member of IEEE-SA Letter of affiliation supplied to 802 Recording Secretary Letter of endorsement supplied to 802 Recording Secretary