Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level1 05 Data Flow Diagrams - Completing the top-level And Franchise Colleges By MANSHA NAWAZ
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level2 Learning Aims Aim –to be able to complete a top-level DFD Objectives –model all read/write access to data stores –model abnormal situations –to check consistency between diagrams –to validate against requirements
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level3 Lecture Outline Read/Write access to data stores Error and abnormal situations Consistency checking Validation Structured Walkthroughs
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level4 Read Access to Data Stores all data stores must be read at least once –else why have them? check each data store, if not read –has it been missed? –is it needed? note that duplicates are the same store
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level5 Write Access to Data Stores all data stores must be written to at least once –else how does the data get in there? check each data store, if not written to –has it been missed? –add process to input initial/change of data
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level6 Error & Abnormal Situations check the DFD to see if all reject/fail situations are modelled –eg existing library member tries to join library check to see if appropriate success/fail messages are sent to user check to see if any data sent out of system for manual checking can be re- activated
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level7 Consistency Checking Changes made to the top-level DFD might make it inconsistent with the Context Diagram Check the Context Diagram and... –add any new external entities –add any new inputs –add any new outputs –add any new events to the event list
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level8 Validation with the Requirements Document Check each functional requirement in the Specification Document –is it modelled on the DFD? Check the DFD for extra functionality over the requirements –if needed add to Spec’ Doc. Add traceability comments to both documents
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level9 Structured Walkthroughs Systems are rarely built by one person Large systems are built by teams A mechanism is needed for peer review –check on quality Helps to spot errors early –check on progress Insurance against personnel loss
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level10 Procedure for SW Author of dfd distributes material in advance of meeting In meeting author talks through the diagram peers comment –identify correct parts –identify errors or unsure (DON’T SOLVE) Action list drawn up for author to do
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level11 Personnel for a SW Author Chair –runs the meeting Scribe –admin support Peers About 6 people is best Qualified & knowledgeable
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level12 Merits for SW helps for better and cheaper product train junior staff team building
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level13 Problems with SW increases development time take criticism ? meetings need good chair so not waste time
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level14 Development : Top-Level DFD –Top-Level Data Flow Diagram (TL-DFD) Amend your diagrams and supporting text after consistency checks. Top-Level DFD description Top-Level DFD Diagram DFD Fragments view –Context Diagram (CD) Amend your diagrams and supporting text after consistency checking with the Top-Level DFD’s. –Context Diagram description –Context Diagram
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level15 Document : Analysis Specification –Terms Of Reference lecture 02 lecture 02 –Context Diagram lecture 03 lecture 03 Context Diagram Support Text Context Diagram Event List –Top-Level Data Flow Diagram lecture 04 lecture 04 Top-Level DFD Support Text lecture 05 lecture 05 Top-Level DFD lecture 06 lecture 06 Simple Data Flow Fragments –Low-Level Data Flow Diagrams lecture 06lecture 07 lecture 06lecture 07
Section 05DFD - Complete Top-Level16 Summary & Self Study Summary add read/write access add error events check consistent validate SW to review find errors early Self Study review the lecture complete 5a from the course workbook can you achieve the objectives set out in slide 2?