Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training ADMINISTRATION Company Level Unit & Personnel Files Slide 1
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files Introduction and References Introduction and References Unit Files Unit Files MPRJ (“201” Files) Policies MPRJ (“201” Files) Policies MPRJ Contents MPRJ Contents Slide 2
Introduction Company Commander: responsible for Company Records. Company Commander: responsible for Company Records. First Sergeant (or Sr. NCO): responsible for the administration of the training and unit records First Sergeant (or Sr. NCO): responsible for the administration of the training and unit records Company Clerk: assists the 1SG/Senior NCO, under direction of the Commander, in processing and managing the personnel records - Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) or informally as 201 files. Company Clerk: assists the 1SG/Senior NCO, under direction of the Commander, in processing and managing the personnel records - Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) or informally as 201 files. Slide 3
References VDF Reg Personnel and Administration Procedures (1 OCT 06) VDF Reg Personnel and Administration Procedures (1 OCT 06) G1 Memorandum: Personnel and Administrative Guidance for All Commands (14 APR 11) G1 Memorandum: Personnel and Administrative Guidance for All Commands (14 APR 11) Slide 4
Unit Files Monthly Morning Reports Monthly Morning Reports Monthly Personnel Registers Monthly Personnel Registers Monthly Unit Training Schedules Monthly Unit Training Schedules Unit Training Records Unit Training Records Drill Attendance Drill Attendance Alpha Roster Alpha Roster Slide 5
Unit Files DA Form 1594 Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer’s Log DA Form 1594 Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer’s Log Order Numbers Log Order Numbers Log After Action Reports (AARs) After Action Reports (AARs) VDF Regulations & Pamphlets VDF Regulations & Pamphlets Correspondence File Correspondence File Slide 6
Unit Files Area Studies and Maps Area Studies and Maps Alert Plan Alert Plan Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Operations Plans Operations Plans Property Records Property Records Unit Fund Records Unit Fund Records Slide 7
Unit Files: Morning Report Slide 8 Completed within five days after drill Completed within five days after drill Troop Strength Troop Strength Personnel actions Personnel actions Attendance Attendance Record of events Record of events Sent to Battalion / Brigade S1 Sent to Battalion / Brigade S1
Unit Files: Personnel Register Slide 9 Maintained for every event (drill, FTX, etc.) Maintained for every event (drill, FTX, etc.) Attendance Attendance Update Morning Report Update Morning Report Update Individual Record of Personal Training Update Individual Record of Personal Training
Unit Files: Unit Training Schedule (350-R) Slide 10
Unit Files: Personnel Register Slide 11 Maintained for every event (drill, FTX, etc.) Maintained for every event (drill, FTX, etc.) Attendance Attendance Update Morning Report Update Morning Report Update Individual Record of Personal Training Update Individual Record of Personal Training
Personnel Register VDF Form 27PR Slide 12
Monthly Unit Training Schedules Slide 13
Drill Attendance Slide 14
Drill Attendance Slide 15
Alpha Roster Slide 16
DA Form 1594 Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer’s Log Slide 17
Order Numbers Log Slide 18
Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ or 201 Files) Company Commander is responsible for opening and maintaining the MPRJ files for himself and all persons assigned to MTO positions in his unit. Company Commander is responsible for opening and maintaining the MPRJ files for himself and all persons assigned to MTO positions in his unit. MPRJ files for Staff Officers/Warrant Officers and Enlisted assigned or attached to HHC’s are the responsibility of the HHC Commander. MPRJ files for Staff Officers/Warrant Officers and Enlisted assigned or attached to HHC’s are the responsibility of the HHC Commander. Paper/hard copy personnel records are required to be maintained at the Company level. Paper/hard copy personnel records are required to be maintained at the Company level. HHC files are maintained at the Battalion, Brigade, and Division level, as appropriate. HHC files are maintained at the Battalion, Brigade, and Division level, as appropriate. Slide 19
MPRJ Policies Storage: MPRJ Files are confidential data to be stored in file drawer(s) or cabinet(s) that will be locked except when in the use authorized by the responsible commander. Storage: MPRJ Files are confidential data to be stored in file drawer(s) or cabinet(s) that will be locked except when in the use authorized by the responsible commander. Access: At the company level, access is restricted to the Company Commander, First Sergeant, and Company Clerk. Troops may have access to their own individual files. Access: At the company level, access is restricted to the Company Commander, First Sergeant, and Company Clerk. Troops may have access to their own individual files. Disposition: Upon transfer or attachment of an individual from one unit to another, the losing unit will forward all personnel records to the gaining unit. Files will transferred to Division upon transferal to the VDF Auxiliary, discharge, or death. Disposition: Upon transfer or attachment of an individual from one unit to another, the losing unit will forward all personnel records to the gaining unit. Files will transferred to Division upon transferal to the VDF Auxiliary, discharge, or death. Slide 20
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files GO/NO GO certifications GO/NO GO certifications Certificates required for promotion (Orientation, IIA, NCOLD, BNCOC, FEMA courses, etc.) Certificates required for promotion (Orientation, IIA, NCOLD, BNCOC, FEMA courses, etc.) Letters of Commendation Certificates Letters of Commendation Certificates Professional Certificates Professional Certificates Prior Service (DD214, NG20, etc.) Prior Service (DD214, NG20, etc.) Civilian Education Civilian Education Military Education Military Education Slide 21
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files VDF Form 2-1R Personnel Qualification VDF Form 337-R Oath VDF Form 14-R Parental Consent VDF Form 428 VDF ID Card VDF Form ATEV Alternative Training or Extra Hours Certification Slide 22
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files VDF Appendix S Personnel Evaluation Slide 23
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files VDF Appendix Z Change of Address Slide 24
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files VDF Form 4856 Career Developmental Counseling Slide 25
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files VDF Form R Individual Record of Training Slide 26
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files VDF Form 9 Virginia License Plate Application Slide 27
Company Level Unit & Personnel Files Review: Introduction and References Introduction and References Unit Files Unit Files MPRJ (“201” Files) Policies MPRJ (“201” Files) Policies MPRJ Contents MPRJ Contents Slide 28
Professional Development G-7 Enlisted Training ADMINISTRATION Company Level Unit & Personnel Files Slide 29