A vision for USGS Data Integration that is consistent with Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning Summarized by Fran Lightsom CDI Teleconference May 12, 2010
Results of conversations among: Sky Bristol Brad Butman Shawn Dadisman David Govoni Linda Gundersen John Haines Fran Lightsom Peter Schweitzer Rob Wertz
VIRTUAL DATA WAREHOUSE (contains all USGS data) Standards-based tools (put and get data) Ecosystems Water Climate Change Human Health Resources Hazards
VIRTUAL DATA WAREHOUSE (contains all USGS data) Standards-based tools (put and get data) ArcGIS/Arc Map access to corporate databases Data upload, registry, and access tool Framework for loosely coupling models
VIRTUAL DATA WAREHOUSE (contains all CMSP data) Standards-based tools (put and get data) Gulf of Mexico Pacific Islands Mid- Atlantic NOAA USGS MMS
Data discovery services Standards (OGC, FGDC, Unidata) Data storage Data delivery services Data selection and conditioning services/tools
For a better fit with the CMSP Support widely used standards (OGC) instead of particular user tools (ESRI ArcGIS). CMSP Data for which USGS is the lead agency: the National Map (topography and land use) water quality and discharge marine seismic surveys seafloor characteristics biological and physical characteristics of coastal ecosystems
Proposal: A CDI team for CMSP First task: a more detailed vision of the architecture of the data stores, tools, standards, and services that will make our data useful to the CMSP process as well as to USGS projects and other customers.