Instructional Strategies for K-4 Science Monica Daigler, Curriculum and Staff Development Coordinator
4 Day Agenda and Expectations Day 1 –Anticipatory Guide (with Clickers) -- Darlynda –Looking at the Curriculum – CORE K-4 –Marzano’s Research –Data Analysis Data Warehouse Data Mentor –Working with Performance Indicators and Skills –Deconstructing data and looking at test questions –Plan of attack (what content and skills will you focus on)? –Time permitting (review the technology resources from August).
4-Day Agenda and Expectations Day 2 Building Formative Assessments linked to deconstructed content and skills Possible formats for FA – parallel tasks, performance assessments, labs, clickers, ticket out the door, etc. Create one and implement before our next meeting…bring back student results
3-Day Agenda and Expectations Day 3 -- –Share student results from FA –Round table –Building Academic Vocabulary (Marzano). –Create vocabulary lists for your grade level –Go over explicit teaching of vocabulary –Create lessons to use in your classroom
4-Day Agenda and Expectations Day 4 – Science Activities Roundtable – share results, student work, etc. Experience Science Thinking Activities Share an activity Work Session Share Out
Marzano’s What Works in Schools If you wanted to teach all of the standards in the National Documents, you would have to change schooling from K-12 to K-22: 255 standards across 14 subject areas 3,500 benchmarks 13,000 hours of class time available 9,000 hours of instruction available 15,500 hours of instruction needed to cover the 3,500 benchmarks
Let’s look at the Data How to read it? What does it mean? Find 3-5 areas of Trend that YOU teach. Deconstruct Share Commonalities (content and/or skills)?
Vocabulary Document Cross reference vocab. from test with core Any insights?
Plan of Attack