CTC: A Year in Review ACSA Personnel Institute October 7-9, 2015 Teri Clark, Director Professional Services Division Commission on Teacher Credentialing 1
2 Recent Work (2015) Accreditation Advisory Panel (AAP) National Governors Association Special Education Grant CEEDAR Worth Noting ( ) Administrative Services Credentials CCSS/NGSS Examinations
Implications 1. 1.Changes will effect districts in hiring 2. 2.Teacher induction and the importance of support providers 3. 3.Induction support for new administrators 4. 4.How changes in Special Education credential structure and preparation will effect staffing 34/2-3/12
Accreditation Advisory Panel (AAP) Charged by the Commission in June 2014 to explore ways to strengthen and streamline educator preparation programs and the accreditation system. 4
5 Standards Common and Program -Preliminary -Induction Outcome Measures Performance Assessment data Surveys-Completer, Employer, Master Teachers Transparency Data Warehouse Public, Institutions, Commission Accreditation Effective Preparation Programs Accountability System
AAP cont. Six task groups: Preliminary Teacher Prep Standards Induction Standards, Policies and Regulations Performance Assessments – Teachers and Administrators Accreditation Policy and Procedures Outcomes and Survey Data Public Access and Data Dashboards 6
AAP cont. Updates in the following areas: Accreditation processes – all programs and credential levels Beginning Teacher preparation Teacher Induction Beginning Administrator preparation Clear Administrator Induction Public access/Data dashboards 7
National Governors Association Special Education Grant Statewide Special Education Task Force report, March 2015: One System: Reforming Education to Serve All Students education-task-force/ NGA grant supports gathering stakeholder feedback on task force recommendations related to educator preparation 8
NGA Grant cont. Task Force recommendations in seven areas with eight specific recommendations for educator prep – Six that apply directly to educator certification 8 Stakeholder Feedback Sessions held statewide August through September Feedback will be analyzed and presented to the Commission for final decision about the state’s teacher credentialing structure 9
CEEDAR Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform Preparation for general education teachers, special education teachers, and school administrators 10
Administrative Services Credential Standards adopted: Preliminary-December 2013 & Induction-February 2014 Revised CPSELs adopted in February 2014 Developing the Descripti ons of Practice for CPSELs Development of a Performance Assessment for Program Completers Require 5 years of experience in the schools 11
CCSS Updates Teaching Performance Expectations updated to align with CCSS : Programs began to integrate revised TPEs : Revised TPEs must be fully integrated into MS/SS programs New and updated items added to CSET NGSS work—still to be completed 12
Examinations Updates One-stop CTC Exams website: CSET: Computer-based testing for more content areas New and updated items added to CBEST and to CSET 13
CPACE Examination Updates CPACE revisions now in process Content assessment and performance assessment required – first administration Summer 2015 Passing standard set August 2015 Candidates will NOT be able to mix and match across the prior and new CPACE versions 14
Looking Forward … 15
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