Second Semester English Final: Lip Sync Battle Royale!!! Second Semester English Final: Lip Sync Battle Royale!!!
Format: This will be a single- elimination bracket fight for your grade.
Songs: The list of songs (with lyrics) is due to your English teacher by the start of spring break. You will prepare five songs – enough for multiple rounds and in case you change your mind after seeing someone else do your song. You will perform a section of your song ranging from 45 seconds to 1:30. Your song will fade out after that. Incorporate mp3s of your song into your file. Another option is an iMovie or a PowerPoint (properly timed).
Songs (continued): Regardless, you’ll need to have lyrics synced and playing behind your performance. It is up to you to figure out how to do all this – we will not be going over it in class. All background information (iMovie, PowerPoint, Powtoon file) must be ed to your English teacher by FRIDAY, MAY 22 nd.
Song Analysis: Students will analyze song structure, figurative language, similes, metaphors, rhyme schemes, etc. for all eight songs and turn them to their English teacher before spring break begins - so by FRIDAY, MARCH 20.
Performance Rubric: Your performance will be based on: Lip sync ability Stage presence/choreography A visual component (Powtoon, video, etc.)
Performan ce (continued): Something with lyrics will be playing on the projector screen behind you as you perform. This is the easiest way to make sure that your song is playing for the length you want and at the point that you want Choose an animated, lyric-intensive section of the song that is between 45 seconds and one minute (not a long, musical interlude).
Props can be used, but you alone are in charge of the set-up and storage of props. You cannot use any props that will make a mess. Nothing can be thrown into the audience (no candy, streamers, glitter, etc.). No play guns, knives, or any type of weapons Unapproved props are subject to removal prior to performance, if deemed inappropriate. Performan ce (continued):
Duets: You can have a “featuring” person with you (for a duet), but you both must still go individually. Only the main person will get a grade…the “featured” person must still do their own performance Nothing beyond a duet (no trios, etc.). You can only do one duet – all other rounds must be done individually.
Incentive s: The winner of the classroom bracket gets an automatic 100. Your highest rubric score (regardless of round) is your final score. The farther you go, the more chances you have to get a high score. Seeding: Class Dojo will be used to set up seedings on or around Friday, May 22 nd
What if… What if I’m absent on a day I’m supposed to perform? If it’s the first round, you’ll get a zero on your final. That’s not good. If it’s a subsequent round, you’ll get the grade of your highest completed round.
Performanc e Dates: First round: Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26 th and 27th Sweet 16: TBD Elite 8 and Final Four: TBD Championship: TBD