J OURNAL C LUB : Lin and Song. (Philips and UPenn) Improved Signal Spoiling in Fast Radial Gradient-Echo Imaging: Applied to Accurate T1 Mapping and Flip Angle Correction. (MRM 2009) Oct 8, 2012 Jason Su
Motivation Mapping methods like DESPOT1 and AFI depend on “perfect” SPGR signal models – Assumes that there is no coherent transverse magnetization left after a TR – The ability to achieve this in experiment directly affects the performance of these methods – At higher flip angles (>40 deg) and T1/TR ratios (>50), typical spoiling schemes breakdown Ives and I are working to improve DESPOT1 at 3T and 7T with B1 mapping and pulse design, this is also needed
Other Papers Many other papers address this topic with a focus on better understanding the spoiling model like including diffusion – Yarnykh. Optimal RF and Gradient Spoiling… MRM – Preibisch and Deichmann. Influence of RF Spoiling on the Stability and Accuracty of T1 Mapping… MRM 2009,
Theory: Spoiling The goal of spoiling is to dephase the signal at any given voxel so that there is no net coherent transverse magnetization This is typically achieved via RF and gradient spoiling – Gradient spoiling: a gradient is played at the end of the TR that results in a net N*2π phase twist across the length of a voxel -> signal integrates to zero across the voxel – RF spoiling: the phase of the RF pulse is changed between each TR, determined experimentally for representative T1s Typical quadratic spoiling :
Theory: DESPOT1
Idea: Random Spoiling The key innovation of this paper is to randomize the spoiling for both the RF phase and spoiler gradient area – Uniform random sampling – Tested different maximum gradient area schemes (up to 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100 cycles per voxel) – Does this lead to better spoiling at the end of a TR?
Conventional vs Random Spoiling
Problem: Random Signal Generates non-steady state signal that oscillates randomly about the theoretical perfectly spoiled signal – The image has small random changes from TR to TR – Results in ghosting/corrupted images with Cartesian sampling scheme Solution: use a radial sampling scheme to spread out the inter-TR errors – Golden angle method may have been chosen for easy of implementation?
“PSF” Improvement with Radial
Golden Angle Radial Sampling Winkelmann (2007)
Methods 1.Bloch simulation of conventional and random spoiling at different angles and T1/TR 2.1.5T phantom scan to compare across many FA 3.1.5T phantom scan with many T1 for DESPOT T VFA and AFI in a single T1 5.3T VFA and AFI in vivo, no reference T1 In general slice thickness was large (>1cm) – Was this to reduce TR by allowing the spoiler gradient to be shorter? I thought this was a little messy, a lot of experiments that could have been combined
Results: Bloch Simulation Surprising that high gradient spoiling at low flips does worse Why not a higher T1/TR in (c)? Realistic and more problematic
Results: Bloch Simulation A great result, T2 typically < 100ms
Results: Simulation and Experiment At high flip angles, there’s a large deviation between experiment and simulation that’s not discussed, high T2/TR regime
Results: DESPOT1 Random spoiling shows better T1 accuracy in phantom tubes At lower T1s, the Ernst angle is higher, which is where the spoiling condition is worse for conventional
Results: AFI Didn’t verify AFI independently with another method 2 nd hand approach, if the T1 is uniform then the B1 map is good, which Ives and I have used in the past but not preferable?
Results: In Vivo T1 maps corrected with AFI B1 map at 3T Need reference T1 for a convincing result (c) and (e) are conventional (d) and (f) are random spoiling
Discussion Diffusion may improve the situation and allow lower TR Yarnykh (2010)
Discussion Need both random RF and gradient spoiling How to adapt to Cartesian sampling? – They propose larger random gradient which will reduce errors at higher flips, but still fundamentally random variation between lines – What if they played out the same random sequence each TR for either RF or gradient? Ives and I bump up the spoiler gradient at 3T, but this paper suggests that this will have little effect on the resulting signal if it’s a multiple of 2π – But Yarnykh shows improvement with increased spoiler