Healthier Horizons Efficiency and Effectiveness in NHS Health and Well-being Services Event 13 th December 2011
Programme for the day 9.00amRefreshments and registration 9.30amIntroduction by Chair - Sally Campbell, Associate Director of Workforce Strategy, NHS North West 9.45am Health and Well-being Services Procurement Guidelines – Ruth Warden, Deputy Head of Employment Services, NHS Employers 10.05am Lessons Learnt -Cheshire and Wirral Occupational Health Collaborative Project- Jane Haire -Greater Manchester South Sector Collaborative – Siobhan Smith amQuestions and Answers 10.55amTeas/Coffees and Market Place 11.15am ESR national position and ESR support to OH information needs – Victoria Crowther, NHS Project Manager – NHS Interface Team ESR regional position – Sue Hodkinson, Strategic ESR Account Manager Lead, NHS North West 11.45amHealthy Staff, Better Care Update – Libby Sedgley, Senior Programme Manager, NHS North West 12.00pmBarriers and commitments to OH realignment – Table activity 12.35pmFeedback, Next Steps and Questions – All 1.05pmChairs closing remarks - Sally Campbell, Associate Director of Workforce Strategy, NHS North West 1.15pmLunch, Market Place and Networking 2.00pmClose
Healthier Horizons Introduction Sally Campbell – Associate Director of Workforce Strategy NHS NW/Director of Cheshire HR Service
Why this is important Health and wellbeing of staff is key to delivering improvements in quality and reduction of costs (QIPP) The potential role of Occupational Health services in supporting the Health and Wellbeing agenda is not being realised. Working in partnership (i.e. Occupational Health/HR) across organisations/health economies is the way in which we will achieve the real improvements/prizes for Health and Wellbeing. Technology enables services to modernise, improve efficiency, work together to deliver an extended range and quality of arrangements
The Time is now …………. Operating Framework 2012/13 “Organisations can take a number of steps to support work to improve staff health and wellbeing. These include their occupational health services are accredited to the faculty standards, implementing recommendations set out in NICE Public Health Guidance ……” Healthy Staff, Better Care for Patients and the NHS Health & Wellbeing Improvement Framework provide a model for improvement, detailing how organisations can ensure their staff have access to appropriate health interventions when required and, overall, support better staff health at work. This will contribute to achieving the Boorman ambition of reducing sickness absence levels towards 3 per cent and will contribute towards meeting the QIPP challenge.
The Time is now …………. Continued Support is available now but beyond 2013 Expertise Resources (£) Leaders to work together to overcome challenges and make it happen!